If you've been in college, you have gotten extremely used to living with other people. Whether it be dorm rooms or apartment complexes, you've had to share your space. Sharing your space seems like a hassle most days and you can't wait until you have a bathroom to yourself.
When summer comes around and your roommates go home, you think it's going to be a good time, until it actually happens.
I'm going to have the entire place to do whatever I want!
No pants 24/7, I get to pick the Netflix show and I don't have to share my snacks.
There's sooo much space for all of my stuff!
Wow, I don't have to move 10 things to reach my milk from the fridge and I can leave my stuff everywhere.
It's so quiet with no one here.
Did I think that out loud or did I actually say it?
It's actually really creepy here when three other people aren't around.
Did I just hear something? I just heard something. Someone is definitely trying to break in.
Is this what adults who live alone feel like?
Not sure if I'll ever be able to live alone.
I wonder what my roommates are doing...
This is where you start stalking their social media accounts and judging their friends from home.
Maybe I'll just send them a little text and see if they're coming back to visit.
They will probably come back and visit soon. Home is probably way too boring. Wait, you aren't coming back until school starts?
Whatever, living alone is great!
It's no biggy, I have other friends here!
I use to talk to a girl in Econ and we bonded over our mutual struggle in the class. She'll def want to hangout.
OK... I miss them.
Eating junk food and going on spontaneous shopping trips just isn't the same.