Every time I go online, turn on the TV, or listen to the radio, it seems like I am instantly informed that something terrible has happened. Another city bombed, an innocent gunned down, a politician spewing hate, a call to action against terrorism. Every day it is something new. I do not mean to imply that these issues should be dismissed, but I think I am not alone when I say that a few bright spots of happiness or just plain good news are needed now more than ever.
Well, look no further than Bodhi, the Shiba Inu who is currently taking the modeling world, and the internet, by storm. This handsome guy, who usually goes by the name Menswear Dog, has modeled for big-name brands like Coach, Purina, Brooks Brothers, and American Apparel. Bodhi has skyrocketed to internet fame after now-famous images of him dressed in designer clothes went viral, and no wonder. If there are people in this world who wouldn't go nuts over pictures of a puppy dressed like a cosmopolitan gentleman, I have yet to meet them.
In addition to looking better in a coat and tie than most male models, Menswear Dog is becoming a high-demand "celebrity" at high-profile events like New York Fashion Week parties. It is both satisfying and depressing to know that a dog has amassed more wealth and social connections than most people. Bodhi rakes in approximately $15,000 per week, and his owners have stated that it is highly unusual for him to make any less than $10,000 in a week. His owners, Yena Kim and David Fung, have been able to quit their full-time jobs because of their outrageously good-looking dog's fame.The couple started dressing Bodhi up and taking pictures of him as a joke, but it grew into something beyond their wildest dreams. The power of the internet is truly an incredible thing. Menswear Dog has gone on to launch his own collection for Menswear Daily, the profits from which go to The Rescue Paws Foundation, and he has "written" a Menswear Dog book, containing advice and fashion tips. This dog has accomplished more in his five years of life than I have in nineteen.
Menswear Dog is reported to be the picture of professionalism during a shoot (except for when he pees at random times), always posing dutifully for the camera. Dressing him, positioning him in the right spot in just the right lighting, and snapping the perfect picture is a time-consuming process, but Bodhi handles it with grace. As long as there is peanut butter or bacon on hand, he maintains his composure. Unlike most models in the industry, Menswear Dog is not concerned with his figure. His signature looks include looking wistfully away from the camera, or a classic contemplative, demure expression. His owners compared their little prodigy's styles to Zoolander's signature looks like "Blue Steel" and "Magnum."
In a world where things seem to grow increasingly bleak, I think that we can all agree that a dog dressed in designer clothes is a good thing. Even better? We live in a time where a dog can rise to fame as a professional model. It is little things like that which restore my faith in this world, and remind me that it is indeed a great time to be alive.