9 People You Interact With During The Holiday Season
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9 People You Interact With During The Holiday Season

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!

9 People You Interact With During The Holiday Season

The Holiday season brings about many different kinds of people. There are grinches and Christmas connoisseurs everywhere you look. There are also the people who don't celebrate these holidays that many people seem to forget about. Here are a few of the people you may interact with during this holiday season.

1. The Holiday Haters

These are the people who refuse to celebrate certain holidays due to historical tragedies that are linked to them. In this case it is mainly Thanksgiving that I am talking about. I wrote in another article about how there are many people who boycott Thanksgiving because of the history behind the holidays itself and the tragedy that befell the Native American people. This is in no way an attempt to poke fun at the beliefs people who choose not to celebrate Thanksgiving have but you are more than likely to interact with someone like this during the holidays , especially on social media.

2. The Grinch

This person just can't seem to get in to the holiday spirit. It could be that their heads just aren't screwed on just right, it could be perhaps that their shoes are too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all, may be that their hearts are two sizes too small. If you don't understand that reference I just made we can't be friends. These people don't give off the sense of merriment that you normally get from people during the Christmas season. Even people who don't celebrate Christmas have some kind of merry attitude about them during this time but not the Grinch's of the world. Everything about the season seems to annoy them and I wouldn't suggest inviting them into your round of Secret Santa this year.

3. The Christmas Elf

Buddy the Elf what's your favorite color? This person lives, eats, breathes and poops Christmas. TMI? Sorry. But you have to admit you have at least one friend who is so obsessed with Christmas that it seems to be the center of their entire universe. Their obsession gets the the point where the minute Halloween is over, they leap for their Santa hat and Christmas lights and the carols are blasting out their radios. They completely hop over the Thanksgiving holiday and go right into Christmas mode. This is the person you want helping you decorate your house and tree, and the first person on your Christmas party guest list.

4. The DIY Junkie

This is the friend on social media who posts link after link of DIY projects for the holiday season whether it's cooking, baking or decorations. They also seem to be able to find a DIY for almost anything made out of anything. So if you ever need to make a turkey out of chewing gum and paperclips they'll be able to point you in the right direction. -- that actually sounds terrifying please don't do that.

5. The Procrastinator

This is the person who waits to do all of their holiday shopping at the last minute. They're the ones you see a few days before Christmas racing around the stores trying to find last minute gifts that they have been putting off getting. They are also the ones who seem to be really bad at wrapping presents -- most likely because they wait until the last minute to do that too. I have actually received a gift unwrapped because the giver "didn't have time to wrap it". They mean well but this isn't the person you want to have as your Secret Santa.

6. The People Who Don't Celebrate Christmas

These may not seem like people you would really notice during the holiday season but when you work at a job like mine they are extremely noticeable. I work at a massage clinic and I am responsible for making the appointments. We are open on Christmas Eve and there have been a few people who have simply shrugged and said they don't care when I tell them that the closest appointment with the therapist they want would land on Christmas Eve. There are plenty of people who do not celebrate Christmas and they kind of get brushed under the rug because Christmas is so commercialized.

7. The Black Friday Shopper

This person is crazy and should be given a wide radius during the Black Friday season. These are the kind of people you read about in the news who cause riots in stores during Black Friday. Let me back pedal a little bit. These people range from crazy enough to stand outside during the wee hours of the morning waiting for the stores to open to the people who bring pepper spray and spray everyone in sight in order to get the best deals. Either way I think anyone willing to go shopping on Black Friday is crazy.

8. The Resolution-ist

This is the person who makes a list of resolutions every years regardless of whether or not they accomplish anything. They are very big on "bettering" themselves with the new year. I'm writing an article later on on why I think New Years resolutions never really work so you can guess that I am not this kind of person during the holidays.

9. The Party Animal

This person enjoys the holidays purely for the parties that people throw. They really couldn't care less about any other meaning that the holidays may have to other people, they just know that Tom Dick and Harry are each having a party for Christmas and New Years and they're invited to all of them. They are honestly also the life of the party and make any event a memorable one even if they may not remember it the next morning.

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