Super Deluxe is, realistically, the only news source you need this election season. Their surreal debate recaps are confusing and highly disturbing, and yet they manage to convey every facet and nuance of the Republican candidates' personalities and platforms. Watching their youtube videos feels like a really bad trip. "Trump Has No Chill At The 9th GOP Debate" is a postmodern masterpiece, a tour de force of nihilism, as if Max Ernst were covering the 2016 election. Something about the air horns and isolated Trump vocals: "Jeb is a mess... Jeb is a waste...". His Jeb attacks are repeated ad nauseam as lonely surgeon Ben Carson nervously chuckles and Trump's face turns red and melts into the background.
I've alway been worried about Melania Trump, the Slovene-American third wife of opportunistic xenophobe Donald J. Trump. The fact that the former model has (admittedly stunning) fur and diamond saturated nude photos puts her in a vulnerable position in public discourse, open to critiques and chauvinistic comments about how a potential First Lady of the United States should or should not act. Actually, that is probably ninth on my list of concerns for Melania. I am horrified that she is married to the potato-shaped lump of rage that is Trump, regardless of his net worth. In 2005, Trump told Larry King that the couple had never had an argument. Major red flag. When I see Melania on the campaign trail, she reminds me of another infamous Stockholm Syndrome-suffering Trump victim — Chris Christie. Just look at her:
Publications such as the New York Times have written think pieces about the passivity and silence of Trump's better half during this campaign season. But finally, she speaks:
Wow.. another masterpiece. The way she says "Hello?" like she's answering a gold-plated penthouse phone. The air horns. The flashbacks to a water-cooler drenched Trump.
I was excited watching this, looking for clues from Trump's captive as if it were a scene from "Homeland." But I obviously wasted my time searching for small hand movements that spelled out "H-E-L-P." Like Chris Christie, one need only look in the poor woman's eyes. They silently plead for help as Trump stares on, a looming hulk-like presence, willing Melania to misspeak, or scream for help. She knows he will incite the crowd of white supremacists to violent action if she breaks from the script. Instead, she chokes back tears and promises us that "he's smart, he's tough, he's a great... communicator?"
I see you Melania!