What is the political horse race of a century features perhaps two candidates out of an episode of American Horror Story. As I mentioned in my last article, America is faced with a decision to vote between someone who is a liar, a racist and a philanderer backed by the Ku Klux Klan, and on the other side of the circus we have someone who has lied, flip-flopped on political issues, and all but been indicted by the toughest law enforcement agency on the planet, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, though we know she should have been indicted.
And up until last week I was absolutely convinced that these were the only two choices that we had. That is until I discovered the Libertarian Party!
A quick high school civics lesson, in case you were asleep. The Libertarian Party is a formally recognized political establishment in the United States. As the name suggests, the main goal of the Libertarian Party is to promote the liberties of individuals in this country. The official website for the Libertarian Party has the catchy slogan of " The Party of Principle; Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom." But really, the core beliefs of the Libertarians are to promote:
1.Civil-liberties: Do what you want within reason, it's your life, you do you. Government should stay out of your bedroom and institutional racism is a bane on society.
2. Non-interventionism: This is a foreign policy stance that is summed up as "stay out of the business of other countries unless it means imminent threat to us."
3. Laissez-faire Economics: Let the free markets decide. This is the belief that the free market, unobstructed by government intervention will, at the end, always produce the best result. Individual companies who cannot compete or who are felt to be out of hand, will eventually be expelled from the markets.
So with that being said, let me introduce you to the 2016 presidential hopefuls for the Libertarian Party.
Meet Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, former governors of New Mexico and Massachusetts; respectively.
Gary Johnson was elected as governor of New Mexico, a blue state and ditto for Bill Weld in the state of Massachusetts. Here is the kicker, they were both reelected by their blue, democrat states in massive landslide victories. In true libertarian fashion, both promote less small efficient government that, "treats the American people like family instead of livestock." They believe in personal freedom; a government that stays out of "your pocket book and your bedroom." So far, contributions to their campaign have come entirely from donor support. They have yet to accept money from Super PACs.Both men have had impressive records with their respective states and have been very popular, very fair individuals who have done well for the states they served. Now, granted they have hidden under the guise of the name "republican" fundamentally these two men are Libertarians to the core.Just watch the video and listen to what these two have to say. Understand that the only options are not Clinton or Trump. The lesser of the two evils, Clintrump, is still an evil. I would even encourage you to check out the Green Party as well!
Johnson and Weld; The voice of reason and I'm convinced.