4 Truths Of Hiding Behind Masks Of Happiness
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4 Truths Of Hiding Behind Masks Of Happiness

It's the sadness that remains unseen.

4 Truths Of Hiding Behind Masks Of Happiness

Why do we fake happiness? Why do we wear smiles on our faces as our hearts are crying? Why do we tell people we are “OK," when we are dying on the inside? Is it because we feel no one would ever relate to our pain? Is it because we ourselves cannot be truthful about the personal struggle we are failing to acknowledge? Why do we feel like people could care less about our problems? Is it because we have experieneced an absurd amount of selfishness among our surroundings? Are we afraid sadness creates a sense of weakness?

I stare at my reflection every morning and see something exceedingly dissimilar in comparison to what I portray to the rest of the world. I never thought about sharing what it is that I see for the simple reason of tiresome fear. The fear that echoes in every corner of my mind is what withholds me from allowing anyone beneath skin surface.

My outer coating is what keeps me comfortably hidden. Seclusion allows my heart to never have the capability of breaking. But what greatness can spark from a lack of despair? Why should I be incredibly afraid of something that will further result in desired strength? I feel I will never be understood if I reveal what is below the illusion of joy that I paint on my face while tearing up. I must fight this, but how? How can I escape what has remained a part of my identity for an unbearable amount of time?

As I started craving answers, these ideas have lead me in a direction allowing me to shy away from my complexity...

1. Eliminate the thought that you must convey happiness to the world, if you are encountering massive amounts of pain internally. 

Keeping the agony hidden will only increase the harm that is consuming you. Confront the issues that you feel you may not have the strength to overcome. You will be surprised to find the depths of power that lie within you, that give you capability of fighting what you are facing. Do not underestimate yourself, even if you are given every reason to.

2. Understand that there are people who are experiencing similar demons.

When you are so invested with what is consuming your mind, it is easy to forget that there are others out there who would be able to give you guidance, or who will push you to perceive sadness differently. Open up to people, even if it means pushing past your hatred for vulnerability. Challenge the voice in your head convincing you that you are alone in what you are battling.

3. You are not a burden.

You are only burdening yourself by holding onto so much anguish and not releasing it. There is someone who would do anything to fix your pain! There is someone who needs to hear your story to be able to tell theirs! If anyone has ever made you feel pathetic for letting your guard down and revealing your inner scars, know that they have not been right for you, but that doesn't mean the right people do not exist.

4. Own the importance of your struggle.

Do not let the doubts gain control. There is specialness in your particular misery. Give the proper amount of credit to what your heart and mind are undergoing. There is something beautiful you have to tell the world. And the world needs to hear it, more than you are allowing yourself to believe.

YOU ARE FAR FROM ALONE. Although you may feel like you are trapped into the art of persuasion under the control of your agonizing insecurities. You do not need to run away from your excruciating heartache. SHARE YOUR RIVETING STORY, IT WILL HEAL OTHERS AND PUSH YOU TO FIND A SENSE OF EXTRAORDINARY FREEDOM FROM ADVERSITY!

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