Why Marina Joyce's Publicity Stunt Matters
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Why Marina Joyce's Publicity Stunt Matters

Domestic abuse calls for a cry for attention.

Why Marina Joyce's Publicity Stunt Matters
The Hotline

Marina Joyce, a popular YouTube makeup and fashion blogger, has recently been in the news due to her fans and subscribers speculating whether or not she had been kidnapped or abused due to odd videos on her channel in the recent months. Her videos have featured her acting strange, such as repeating herself, weird facial expressions, bruises on her body and overall just a general off-feeling in her newer videos compared to old videos. Viewers have also seen a man in the background of certain videos and have noticed Joyce likes Tweets that urge people to like them if they are in an abusive situation.

Joyce has said multiple times that she is, in fact, OK and that this was a publicity stunt by her viewers, leaving people to believe she may be schizophrenic or under the influence of some sort of drug. Regardless of what is going with Marina Joyce, her so called "publicity stunt" has raised awareness to one thing: domestic abuse. While somewhat frustrating to her viewers and those recently worried about her, this stunt matters. Why? It has shown that people are capable of pointing out and noticing signs of domestic abuse.

Domestic abuse is still rampant in the U.S. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence states that one in every three women will be in relationship in which their partner abuses them, and the number for men is not much smaller than this. Domestic abuse rears its ugly head in many forms, such as the obvious physical and mental harm. Emotional abuse is also prevalent, though often not recognized.

Obvious signs of domestic abuse in a relationship will usually be physical. Bruises in weird places, such as the back of arms or ribs are often indicators, along with possible injuries on hands from trying to defend or shield themselves. Those who are abused tend to have a much higher rate of contracting both mental and physical illnesses.

Mental indicators involve depression, anxiety, and possible addictions to drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Emotional markers of being abused include being stalked, through physical or electronic means. Simply put, it is not OK for your partner to show up constantly where you are, as if they don't trust your actions around others, or while you are in an argument and clearly do not want to be bothered. While in some cases this may not necessarily be abuse, if there is a fear of it happening all the time, something is not OK. You should be able to go about your day or night out without constantly being asked where you are, what you're doing and who you're with to the point that you are more involved on preventing a conflict then focusing on what you're doing. Being gas lighted (when the abused is pushed to question their own credibility and sanity by their abuser) and constantly shamed or scared in how your partner will react to simple responses to questions are also red flags. Abusers are not rational, they will always find a way to make their victim at fault and maintain control over a situation, whether it be by guilt (threatening to kill themselves) or by threat to cause further harm. Not only does this cause harm to the victim, it causes harm to their family and friends. Victims may not be present for events or relationships, have outbursts toward their lived ones, or even completely cut themselves off from the outside world.

It is extremely easy to write off abuse as a one time incident or a few and far between situation. If it happens once, the chances of it happening again only increase. Abuse is a abuse, even if you come to the conclusion that how you were you treated could be classified as such after you've gotten out of a relationship. If someone hears about your situation and is concerned, it's most likely for your own good to hear what they have to say in regards to your well being.

In the case that you suspect that someone may be currently abused, it is suggested that you try talking to them and helping them understand the situation and try to get them in contact with a hotline or some form of help. Some may be frightened of the repercussions from their partner or their friends and family, or not understand that the way they are being treated is not normal, and try validating their partners actions. In this case, a serious urge to getting immediate help is needed. If you ever feel that their physical safety is compromised ever, it is imperative to get the proper authorities involved to insure the safety of the victim.

If you feel that you or someone you know is in danger of domestic abuse, visit thehotline.org or call their hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

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