This is an open call to any social or racial minority, in any country, to get your voice out there.
If you happen to Vlog on YouTube or Twitch T.V., if you happen to write, if you happen to run a podcast, I ask that you put aside some time during your regular segments to create content targeting social issues. To enlighten the masses on your experience as a social/racial minority.
Do one segment, several segments, name a whole new segment after this and run with it. Whatever you like. We've done the whole hashtags going viral thing. Let's try for something with a little bit more content this time.
Use your segment in any fashion you please.
I only ask you do not use it to spread hatred/bigotry.
No racism
No sexism
No homophobia
No transphobia
No xenophobia
No, instead, take us for a walk in your shoes.
Tell us your experience with being the target of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
Let's help others see more clearly the struggles we all face, and learn about each other as easily as typing 3 words into any search bar.
Go forth and create something meaningful.