Hey, babygirl, me again. Probably calling you at midnight crying and stressing out over something trivial, just to have you talk me off the metaphorical cliff… again. Or maybe I’m sending you pictures of outfit options for you to decide on because, let’s be honest, you were always better at that than me. Or I could be going off on a rant again about literally anything at all and doing all the talking, because, let’s be honest, I was always better at that than you. No matter what the conversation consists of, you’ve always been the one who would actually listen to me. So once again, I need you to listen to me because I have a lot to say about the beautiful young woman that you’re becoming.
There are so many things that you do each and every day that I am eternally grateful for. Thank you for being the person I can go to when I need compassion and acceptance. You always know exactly what to say and how to say it. It’s really a gift; I don’t know how you do it. Thank you so much for never passing judgment when I tell you about situations in my life and always giving me your perspective. Ten times out of ten, I take your advice.
Your compassion for the people around you is so compelling. For being so young, you have such an old soul and leave a lasting impact on everyone you meet. People can rely on you and trust that you have their best interest at heart. I know sometimes you think you don’t stand out, but I’m telling you that your light shines brightest in the crowd, and when you smile, you light up the entire world.
You’ve always been a feisty one at heart. You will tell you how it is JUST like it is. Unapologetically. That is such a good quality; never lose that edge. I love that even though I’m the big sister, you’re not afraid to tell me when I’m overreacting or overthinking. Thank you for keeping me so grounded all these years.
As much as I want to, I can’t always protect you from this world and all the evil in it. But I just want you to know that you always have me on your side and I will go to war for you in a heartbeat with no hesitation. You’re going to go through things in life that are going to shake you to your core and make you question if it’s all worth it. Embrace those times. That’s when you do the most growing and learning. In the next few years you are going to learn so much about yourself and I cannot wait to witness all the little discoveries you make.
I could speak for days on all the ways you inspire and motivate me, but I’ll leave you with this: You’ve always been and always will be my stronghold and my anchor. You’re the most relevant person in my life, and you’re the best present our parents have ever given to me. You’re my little sister, and you mean more to me than you will ever realize. In the words of our sweet father… I love you beyond measure.