I hate coffee.
I hate the way it tastes. The way it makes my hands shake if I drink too much. The fact that it's so expensive... yet, I continue to drink it.
I came into college absolutely hating coffee and never having been able to drink it without practically spitting it out. And I was proud of it. Proud that I didn't need caffeine to sustain myself. I swore that I would never allow myself to rely on caffeine, but look where I ended up...all because of college.
I'm writing this article, iced coffee with almond milk in hand, not necessarily enjoying the taste but knowing that I need it. How else would I stay awake while studying for my back to back exams? Since we all know that getting a sufficient amount of sleep is definitely not an option.
I would have never made it to this point in my relationship with coffee without the insane schedule that college so lovingly provided for me -- the countless papers, cumulative exams, extensive group projects and all-nighters.
So thank you, college, for emptying my bank account at Starbucks, Caribou and on-campus coffee shops. For making it impossible for me to survive through the week without a large amount of caffeine. For helping raise my caffeine tolerance. And, especially, for getting me to the point where I can drink coffee (with a ton of almond milk and a few shots of flavoring) without grimacing.
I love coffee.
I love the way it smells. The way it keeps me awake during my 8am classes. The fact that I can stay energized for hours without needing a nap... yet, I continue to tell myself that I hate it.