The most frustrating but wonderful question any person living with gluten intolerance is asked is: “What is gluten?” This question is wonderful because people living gluten free are overjoyed to educate other people who may not know what this terrifying protein in bread can do. However, this question also may cause some frustration because sometimes people living with gluten issues are tired of trying to explain what gluten is. Next, comes a vague feeling of wariness that accompanies the challenging task of trying to explain what gluten is. This wariness only comes because we are tired of people not believing that gluten intolerance is a real allergy. This issue is compounded by these same people who are doubtful as they go on to say, “Oh, my cousin has a peanut allergy.” It just hurts, it hurts to see these people blindly ignore my struggle, while readily accepting the allergies of others.
First, let’s get to the basics: Gluten is simply protein found in wheat. I know what you’re thinking, “Well, that’s not sobad! Just avoid bread and pasta and you’re good.” Sadly, it is not quite as simple as that. Gluten is most commonly used to help foods stick together or hold their shape. Surprisingly, gluten is found in most everything that is manufactured in stores, even foods that organically would not have any gluten in them. Because of this, a person with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance has to check to make sure there is no added gluten containing ingredients in any food that they buy at the grocery store. However, any food or dish can be made gluten free with the right ingredients.
Now, let us deal with the elephant in the room, is gluten intolerance even real? I know, what you’re probably thinking: “Being gluten free is just a fad,” or “Come on? A gluten allergy… get real… if you don’t have Celiac Disease then gluten does not really effect you.” Well, I am not quite sure why people believe going gluten free is a fad. Every single person that I have spoken to, who eats a purely gluten free diet, has become gluten free because they are allergic, trying to get rid of troubling symptoms, or is gluten free because of a family member or a significant other. Although, I do know there are people who are probably gluten free because it may seem like a “fad” to them, that does not make gluten allergies any less real. Now, if someone does not believe in gluten intolerance, I would first like to ask them a simple question: “Why?” Why is gluten intolerance believed not to be real but everyone believes that someone is affected by peanuts. Granted, peanut allergy symptoms are sometimes more noticeable than gluten intolerance symptoms, but this does not mean that gluten intolerance is not real or should be downplayed. Next, I would like to invite the people who do not believe that gluten intolerance is not real into my home after I have eaten gluten. Gluten intolerance can affect people in many different ways. For me, my gluten intolerance affects my muscles. I have Fibromyalgia like symptoms, where my whole body hurts everywhere, and just a simple touch causes intense pain. I also have headaches, intense stomach pains and increased chronic fatigue. All of these symptoms affect me not only physically, but socially and mentally as well. I had to take a break in my swimming career of ten years because of my gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance has also tried to wreck my social life, because it is hard for me to go to restaurants with my friends and even my boyfriend.
Even though gluten intolerance has caused me many trials and tribulations, I would like to thank my gluten intolerance for the many blessings it has granted me. Gluten intolerance has helped me figure out who my true friends are, it has helped me figure out unique ways to solve problems and it has helped me become more successful and understanding of people who have food allergies. Gluten intolerance has helped me grow into a better person, and for that I would not change being gluten free, no matter how frustrating it is sometimes. So, for all you gluten eaters out there, eat a donut for me, and if you ever get bored you can come over and eat a gluten free donut with me because honestly, they are quite good.
A special kind of gluten intolerant girl