Gilmore girls are witty, intelligent, classy, and so relatable. Gilmore Girls was one of the first shows I watched from beginning to end, and still one of the only shows I have seen numerous times all the way through. It never gets old. If you haven't yet embarked on life's journey in Stars Hollow with Lorelai and Rory, I highly recommend you do so. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will realize just how accurate this show is when it comes to real life.
1. There is no one who loves you more than your mom. Never forget that.
3. Everyone hates Mondays.
4. Coffee is essential for busy people.
5. Its OK to not know what your future holds. Rory figured it out, so we can too.
6. Everyone has bad days.
7. Sometimes you just need a taco.
8. It's a struggle to find the motivation to workout.
9. We all have a little bit of Sookie's clumsiness in us.
10. Don't settle for the wrong guy; find your Luke Danes. It may take some patience, but you'll find him eventually.
11. Don't feel guilty about taking that nap.
12. It's perfectly normal to be a little awkward sometimes. Embrace it.
13. Lazy days are the best days.
14. Nothing beats reading a good book.
15. Everyone has days when they just don't feel like getting dressed up.
16. We all act like a diva sometimes.
17. Emotions are hard to figure out.
18. Mornings are the worst.
19. Honestly, we're all a little crazy.
20. Food makes everything better.
21. Life throws us curve balls.
22. We all have days when we just can't deal with other people anymore.
23. True friends are everything.
24. Life can be confusing.
25. We all want to quit sometimes, whether its school, work, responsibilities, etc.
26. But work hard now so you can be proud of yourself in the future.
27. Life is short, so live it to the fullest.