By the time senior year roles around, most have senioritus pumping through their veins. While applying to top choice schools and partaking in all the 'senior' things is amazing, most seniors are just read to be finished and get their diploma. To go with applying comes housing assignments- getting the perfect roommate. Now, there isn't necessarily a 'perfect' roommate. But, some have gotten pretty close.
I was blessed to have three amazing people to live with: Krista, my bathmmate, Savannah, and Kim. Here is a letter to the three perfect roomies.
Dear Roommates,
I can't tell you all how amazing it is to live with you. As a younger freshman in college, Savannah and Kim you both have been so helpful and kind with words of wisdom to just overall support. With you both being older than I am, you have given me insight and advice that has been so helpful to me. From homework help, personality test trials, to my relationship with God. I love all the bonding time we have, drives to Qdoba, laughing over donuts to picking a show we are gonna watch as a house. I love the immediate respect we have for each other.
Krista, where to even start. With both of us being honors freshman, I had the pleasure of meeting you in February, and then again in July. In the last four weeks, we have gotten so close. We have gone though nearly every stage of a friendship in such a short time and I love it. I know sometimes I probably am not the easiest to live with, whether I am camped out in your room talking about boys when you really only want to go to sleep to asking million times for my essay to be edited. I could not have asked for a better person to share a living are with.
If I don't have the best people to live with, I don't know how it could get any better. I was so fortunate to have three wonderful, hilarious people to get to know. So thank you all for the laughter we have shared so far, and for the times to come.