Thank you.
Thank you for loving me no matter the circumstance. Through my failures and through my victories. Thank you for pushing me to be my best and not letting me say "I can't" when you know I can. Thank you for teaching me right from wrong as well as how to accept being wrong. You are selfless, tender-hearted, beautiful, and loving. You are the image I aspire to be. Thank you for setting an example of the type of woman who is strong and unwavering in her faith. You put God above all else and you never forget to remind me when "God's got this." Thank you for praying for me (it works). I can confidently go through my day knowing that you have me on your mind and you've mentioned me to God more than enough. Thank you for holding my hand through ever single skinned knee, bad grade, and broken heart I have ever had. Thank you for worrying and praying with me over the small things even when you have way more important things to focus on. You are so dedicated to your job and to providing for me and the family and I thank you for that more than you know. I know it's hard for you sometimes with me away from home, but thank you for supporting my dreams. Thank you for sending me into this world without second guessing my decisions. Not all moms are like you. You're special. In my opinion, you're the best mom that ever was. You are my best friend. You are my mom. And you are SO loved.
So, thank you. For the laughs, the love, and the memories.
I love you.