To My Guy Best Friend,
There are a lot of bad people in the world. You and I both know this. I know you think otherwise, but I want to tell you that you are not one of those people. You are one of the most incredible people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, much less call my best friend. Right now I want to take the time to thank you for everything you do for me and for being the amazing human that you are.
Thank you for listening to my rants.
As you know, I have a lot of feelings and thoughts about nearly everything. Boys, friends, work, school, politics, family, the weather...the list just goes on and on. I don't know how you listen to all of my long, sometimes unnecessary rants. If I were in your shoes, I would take me by the shoulders and yell, "Just shut up already!" Thank you for not doing that. Talking to you about my thoughts and feelings makes me feel less alone. You actually listening makes me feel important, like what I have to say is worth something even when I'm just talking about an awkward situation I put myself in.
Thank you for bringing me chocolate when some stupid boy breaks my heart.
Boys are jerks. You would think that after all of this time, we would learn to expect them to be jerks, but we don't. So when something happens, it hurts just as bad as the first time. Every time I would get upset, even over the same guy, you would show up at my door with chocolate and a big hug. Having you there with me made my heart hurt a little bit less.
Thank you for all of the late night talks and hangout sessions.
You are my favorite person to lay around in almost complete silence with. We will just sit on the bed in one of our dorm rooms, scrolling through Tumblr on our phones, and occasionally showing each other a post we thought was funny. Sometimes we will come across a post that starts an actual conversation, and once we start talking we can't stop. We go from TV shows, hot actors, and favorite YouTubers to sexual orientation, the supernatural, and the afterlife real fast. Thank you for all of these talks. You have given me a new perspective on life and other people. Some of my favorite memories of freshman year will always be hanging out with you.
Thank you for being my best friend.
I am far from perfect. I'm stubborn and emotional, and I make fun of you more than I probably should. I don't know how I got so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Thank you for sticking with me even when it would have been so much easier for you to walk away. When I sit down to count all of my blessings, having you as my best friend is at the top of the list.
I love you.
From, Your Fake Girlfriend