Are you triggered? Is newsfeed cluttered with depressed sentiments, cries of division, and claims of being "ashamed to be an American;" I am here to tell you, that is exactly why we have President-elect Donald Trump.
Before I get into it let me give you this, in hopes of lightening the mood:
So, what/why/how/😐 TRUMP?
1. The Silent Vote spoke up.
Throughout this election Trump supporters have been called racist, sexist, bigots, homophobes, deplorable, and worse. The unspoken rule seemed to be that you do not speak of your support of Donald Trump in polite company. -- But wait this is America where we value the free exchange of ideas, we aren't afraid of words, but we work through our problems through civil discourse. -- Many Americans still hold that belief, and their vote reflected that.
2. Rejection PC culture.
Along the same lines as the value of free speech and the open exchange of thoughts and ideas is the rejection of political correctness. People were not drawn to Trump because of his "lewd" remarks, the were drawn to his candor and frank remarks on the state of the country. America is tired of being told what they can and cannot say, and Trump is the result of that.
People are tired of being called a racist, bigot, sexist, homophobes, and then attacked for their political views or simply because of theirrace or gender.
3. People care about upholding the LAW.
The media has tried to change the language, "illegal alien" is "racist," "illegal immigrant" is racist, what really best describes them is "undocumented migrants." 😩 Words are racist. I'm triggered.
But really lets just break this down real simply: people who live and even work in this country after entering the country illegally have broken the law, and are therefore ILLEGAL. In no way, shape, or form is this about race or even xenophobia -- this is about upholding the law.
4. The biased media was exposed.
CNN was busted. Interim head of the DNC and CNN contributor Donna Brazile was caught sending questions to Hillary's camp not once but TWICE. The first incident was before a town hall, and the question was about the death penalty. Brazile then sent a question in advance of a different debate that came from a Flint, Michigan family claiming to have suffered lead poisoning from their tainted water. Brazile, for her part, has never admitted wrongdoing, instead she has chosen to attack the Russian government when asked about the incident.
Brazile stated during a satellite radio interview with liberal activist and SiriusXM host Joe Madison, “My conscience — as an activist, a strategist — is very clear,” and added that “if I had to do it all over again, I would know a hell of a lot more about cybersecurity.”
Not much an apology for cheating.
^^ So unbiased.
Check out this link to see how Trumps word was directly edited to make him look xenophobic.
Hillary Clinton broke the law while she mishandled countless top secret and classified documents, and she lied to the American public and to the FBI. She did not just have a separate private email account, she had her own server to send classified documents and information to those who were not authorized and to avoid the Freedom of Information act.
People have gone to jail for less.