Vacation. To most, it’s a synonym to an all-inclusive beach resort in Aruba, a family week on the Cape, or a trip to hangout with the infamous Mickey and Minnie. But, when’s the last time you heard someone say they were going to Iceland? I know, right? Who would want to go there? At least, those were my first thoughts when my best friend Francesca outlined her vacation plans. In Summer 2015, her family would not be loading up the minivan and driving down to Florida for a week’s stay in Disneyland. No, not even close. Francesca and her family were about to embark on a month-long vacation to Iceland, Munich, Amsterdam, and Brussels. Talk about adventurous. They traded in a chlorinated, crowded pool for a clay-filled hot spring called the Blue Lagoon. Instantly, upon seeing all of the pictures, I realized why anyone would want to travel to Iceland. It’s beautiful. There’s a lot to be missed when we stay stuck in our comfort zones. Trade in playing it safe for the adventures of a lifetime.
There’s something to be said about Fran. She lacks the ability to worry. It’s like she’s in a permanent post-yoga-trance. She has the enviable ability to relax and enjoy the moment for what it is. We should all strive to be our version of this. There is so much to experience in the world, but our anxieties stop us from uncovering it. Take advantage of the moment, and don’t forget that a it is most treasured when it is unanticipated. If anything, let the photo-ops be motivation. Here’s Francesca waiting for her Ansel Elgort from The Fault in Our Stars. Don’t worry, Fran, he’ll come soon enough.
The amount of Instagram street-cred awarded from this picture is enough of a reason to travel to Amsterdam.
The travel’s don’t stop here. This girl, in her short 20 years of life, has been to Iceland, Munich, Amsterdam, Brussels, Ireland, London, Italy, France, Spain, Australia, and is currently studying abroad in Chile. That’s more places than many will visit in a lifetime.
Perhaps the most hilarious and memorable story Fran has shared from her journeys is one specific day when everything went wrong. What started off as a promising adventure in Paris quickly went south. Fran and friends were sitting on the grass, enjoying the sights, when a group of people approached and asked them to sign a petition. They immediately declined, but unfortunately only a moment later Francesca realized her bag was gone. This was not just any bag, but one that held her cash, credit cards, passport, phone, camera, and license. Most people would simply cry, and ask “why me?” Fran took a different approach. With everything in her she sprinted after the perpetrators (and this girl hates running). Once she finally caught up to the young thieves, she demanded her bag and wallet back. Always go after what’s yours. Don’t let people take advantage of you. Be your own hero.
Later that same day, Fran found herself in the middle of a pro-Palestinian riot after getting off the metro at the wrong stop. She was barricaded by French military, and teargassed. Despite the horrifying experience this must have been, at least she’ll have a story to tell her grandkids one day.
One or two adventures will never be enough satisfaction for the true world traveler. This past May, she and our friend Morgan took a 24 hour plane ride to Australia for a 14 day backpacking excursion up the coast. Here’s just a few of the insane experiences the two shared, including...
...jumping out of a plane…
...scuba diving with sharks…
...and meeting (also eating) kangaroos.
The craziest part of the entire trip is that the two slept in hostels every night with other travelers from all over the world. Looking from the outside in, this may seem intimidating. It did to me, and I regret not taking the opportunity to go. We all have a brave and adventurous soul inside of us; some are just more hidden than others. If we don’t let our adventurous side take over, we will never fully live. And that how Francesca operates, immersed and unguarded.
Currently (and not surprisingly), she is in Chile for a semester abroad. In the short month and half spent with her host family in the beautiful country, she has already experienced more than imaginable. Here she is skiing in the Andes.
And just one week later, learning how to surf.
Of course this girl can’t go a month without doing something life-threatening…
...skydiving is somewhat safe, but bungee jumping...I’m sure her mom loved hearing about that!
We should all try to be a little more like Fran. This doesn’t necessarily involve jumping out of planes, or hurling yourself off of a bridge while attached to a chord. Rather, it is the lesson of taking risks despite fear. If we spend all of our time on the living room couch, then we miss countless experiences that could change our entire outlook on the world. People like Francesca inspire that difficult, but small step out of the comfort zone and into life.