Life Lessons Men In their 20's Should Know
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Life Lessons Men In their 20's Should Know

We are all trying to figure it out, and here are some things you'll learn along the way.

Life Lessons Men In their 20's Should Know

1.) Define Your Own Purpose

What we are meant to do in our lives isn't something that is found under a rock, rather something you decide by yourself for yourself. Risks are a vital part in deciphering this, especially as the obligation department is rather low.

If money wasn't an issue, what's something you would love to do? What's a topic you would enjoy learning more about?

The instant you're in an alliance with your purpose, you will see the extraordinary things as the achieved by-product. Immersed in a mentality such as this allows your hours awake to be the best time of life instead of wishing for the day to end.

Passion is contagious.

2.) Avoid Comparing Yourself To Others

Though success is subjective from person to person, looking at someone else's path in life only creates negativity and thoughts of not being good enough. If asking a random person you see on the street, they possess a different version of what success means to them and how to attain it.

Living by walking in another's shadow is nothing more than supplying air to a husk of a body--why look at another if it's all you focus on? Your path is unique to you.

Learn to play the game by your own rules. Read the instructions then set your standards and vigorously work at achieving them. Wake up each morning thankful for another opportunity at taking another step towards your goal and future self.

3.) Invest In Yourself, Not On Things

The saying that nothing in life is permanent is a smart idea to live by. When feeling down; the moment will not last, nor do material objects--they, like negative momentum, can easily be driven away.

Focus on the internal, the person looking in the mirror and the strongest version of you. The long run will grant external wealth as a side effect. Wealth is as easily a mindset as is materialism; so shift your perspective and what will cause different thinking.

Knowledge is power--invest in inner inventory rather than a collection of physical and temporary memorabilia. Experience, knowledge and wisdom can never be stolen.

4.) Don't Stay In A Job that You Hate

With the amount of time you have to invest in building a career, make sure it should be something you're really interested in. It might seem scary but this is the perfect time to rise and grind.

On the flipside, the pursuit of increased pay satisfies no more than satiating basic needs. Take more risks and leave a footprint in the wet cement anywhere you can.

Life is too short to settle so enjoy yourself, take the reins and let responsibility in.

5.) You Don't Have To Go To School

The world supplies constant knowledge at our fingertips. If further schooling is crossed off the agenda, then twiddle your thumbs elsewhere and put that energy to something that makes you happy.

Figure out what kind of work energizes you and find resources to study about it. Go to conferences and connect with other people who already have the results you want.

We are unique creatures, and we all learn in different ways through various learning styles and intelligence types. Find what works for you and enjoy the ride. If you're learning something you enjoy, it makes the job feel more like a hobby.

6.) Choose Your Friends Wisely

This is a huge part of learning how to see yourself as important. The people we surround ourselves with are the type of people we attract and eventually become--both good and bad.

Have integrity and envisage the pereson you want to become and remember as long as you like who you are; their opinion means nothing. It may be hard but release unsupportive contacts Find

Celebrate people who clap for you both in person and behind your back. We suffer from enough poison so why voluntarily poison yourself?

7.) It's Ok If You're Single

Take it from someone who's experienced part of their roaring 20's thus far: being alone and feeling lonely are different things.

Being alone is a choice that you make to do what you want; utterly happy in figuring who you are as a person and enjoying your own mental space. Loneliness is the lack of wholeness through anxiety and a place to call your own. This incompleteness validates oneself through others' opinions.

Your 20s should be spent on figuring out your identity and defining your core values. Focus on activities that will increase your self-esteem. Know who you are and what you really want--other people will try to sway you to be like them.

8.) Gain Wisdom From Traveling

Don't be surprised at how much there is to learn about yourself when stepping away from your daily routine. New environments bring forth anonymity, new found experience and reinvention.

You can show up as whoever you want. A Francesco who lives in the States and enjoys other cultures, or a Pierre that enjoys traveling the world, maybe a Violet that likes different languages. Use this time to reconnect and take root in another world and see where your compass leads you.

9.) Make Mistakes Often

There's something transformational that happens when you go through experiences in your life that push you out of your comfort zone.

When you get close to the edge, keep in mind there are two choices: take a leap of faith and land into higher-self, higher potential sort of mentality or step back with timidity and allow others more dauntless than you take flight. Icarus was correct in braving the skies.

Integrity is a habit that you have to consciously decide on a daily basis. Choose to accept the horrific truth and honor yourself in trying instead of refusing to even mount the horse. Stand up more than you fall and the determination will drive that you forward and test your character.

Discomfort is our best friend through life; this is the time to accept our weaknesses and become comfortable feeling uncomfortable uncertainty for a period of time and trust in the process. True wisdom is forged this way.

10.) Broke And Poor Are Not The Same

The path to success is never a linear or direct route--I once thought of going to college for one version of my future was it; I learned that fear played a roll and clouded my eyes. Commencing your journey of self-insight and self-satisfaction brings you to many a troll bridge--filled with rigorous trials of mental strength and passion.

Simply keep in mind that the easy road often times leads the weary traveler into believing what they see is what they get; instead, the road less traveled is the road the bares the untold treasures. Never wish for things to be easy because it won't be.

Being broke is answering the troll's riddle incorrectly and choosing to preserver, but being poor is accepting nothing more than a rock painted gold.

Remember: life is not about the destination, but your journey along the way. You are an empowered person and don't forget it.

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