15 Things That I Learned My Freshman Year At Syracuse
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15 Things That I Learned My Freshman Year At Syracuse

Lessons expected and unexpected.

15 Things That I Learned My Freshman Year At Syracuse
Photo by Anna Powers

College is a whirlwind. Freshman year is over, so here is a recap on all the things I have learned.

1. Join Greek Life - it sounds cheesy but I really met my sisters!

Photo by Anna Powers

I always knew that I wanted to be in a sorority since I applied to Syracuse, but now that I'm actually in one, I know that it is the best decision that I could have made in college. My Alpha Xi Delta sisters are by far the most amazing, down to Earth, beautiful human beings I know, they make Syracuse a home.

2. GUYS REMAIN JERKS FOR YET ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR --- adding frat boys to the mix was not smart!

Tweet by @cvseyy, Photo from Buzzfeed.com

I really hate to break it to you sister but all these boys are still boys especially here in Cuseland!

3. Do well and also do good - Professor Coplin's wise words

Photo by Anna Powers

PAF 101 might have been a stressful experience but it taught me the most valuable lesson of college. Do well for yourself, like get that money, but also do a lot of good, not everyone around you is as fortunate as you are.

4. Make high expectations for yourself, don't sell yourself short of the things that you're able to do.

Photo by Anna Powers

Throughout the year I often found myself doubting my abilities. I needed to realize that I made it all the way to college for a reason and I needed to start doing the work to actually remind myself that.

5. Don't be afraid to stay in for the night -- if you’re going out on Thursday, should you really go out on Tuesday?

Photo by Anna Powers

The first semester I went a little crazy... and the second semester too, but I learned to tell myself that I don't have to go out every night just to go out! I always used to have serious FOMO whenever I didn't go out, but I just remembered that night in of relaxation is sometimes way more fun than a night out.

6. Always put yourself out there-- you won't regret the worst thing that could happen is that you'll have yet another funny story to tell

Photo by Anna Powers

As a pretty shy person, putting myself out there is always something that I was really scared to do, but I learned that sometimes you just have to go for it! Go talk to that guy from class, dance around and sing even when the party is over, do embarrassing things that you wouldn't normally do! If anything you will have some great memories that you can share for years after!

7. No matter how good a third coffee or poke bowl sounds, DON'T WASTE ALL OF YOUR MONEY ON FOOD!

Photo by Anna Powers

A serious dilemma of being in college is that your money usually goes to waste on food. It is so tempting and easy to convince yourself that you need some type of food and justify it by saying that you simply cannot have dining hall food. But I'm here to tell you it is not worth it and you are going to wish that you did not end up spending that money.

8. Stock up on medicine-- Health Services will probably just give you Advil anyways!

Photo by Oprah Winfrey Network / Via cdn1.theodysseyonline.com

My roommate and I quickly learned that if you are sick here, which you are BOUND to be sick at one point, there isn't really anything that Health Services is going to do for you. Therefore you should learn which drugstore medicines are effective and are gonna actually make it so you can function to get all of your work done.

9. Actually MAKE IT to the football games, they are literally the most fun things on this Earth (considering we are a football school now)

Photo by Anna Powers

I am a football girl so I am a little bias, but I literally thrived at Syracuse this fall when we finally became a football school. Football games are the most fun to go to and nothing beats the hype of the student section. Therefore make sure you are able to make it from the tailgate to the actual game, I promise you won't regret it.

10. Find a good study spot that works for you--- Bird Library isn't for everyone.

Photo by Anna Powers

Some people can't do work unless they are in Bird Library, but for me, it's the complete opposite, Bird makes me so anxious it's unreal. So I found so many other study spots on campus where I can always sit and get my work done. For example, People's Place, Eggers Cafe, and the West Campus Starbucks.

11. You don't have to look cute when you go to class, literally no one cares what you look like I promise!

Photo by Anna Powers

In high school, I always used to dress so cutely to go to school. But in college, you would be so lucky if you even caught me going to class in jeans. Leggings are my usual attire and I have learned to embrace that because I also noticed that no one cares what I am wearing because they all have their own lives to worry about.

12. Try to make the best of your rooming situation. If you and your roommate aren't best friends it's not then end of the world

Photo by Anna Powers

I was lucky enough to know my roommate from high school and she's actually one of my best friends. But I also know people that did not get along with their roommates at all, if this happens to you just know that it's only a year, and after making your friends Freshman year for the rest of college you are going to be living with people that you really like!

13. If you're homesick, take the trip home you won't regret it!

Photo by Anna Powers

The first semester I got so randomly homesick and all I could think about was going home. So I learned that sometimes making the trip home is worth it if it's going to be the only thing that will make you happy at that moment. Leaving for college is a lot especially your freshman year, don't torture yourself!

14. Sometimes you have to skip class in order to do all of your other work done.

Photo by Anna Powers

I used to feel really guilty for skipping class but then I began to realize that if I am doing so to make sure that work in my other classes is done, I should just skip that one class to do it because it is most likely gonna benefit me in the long run. Plus a tip, if you have a class with a friend get notes from them, and double check to see if your professors post their power points online!

15. Have the time of your life, college only happens once, please make the most of it!

Photo by Anna Powers

I know it's cheesy, but seriously college is the best thing ever and it is only a short 4 years long. Especially in a school like Syracuse make sure you are having the most fun possible and making memories that you will never forget!

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