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5 Fun Last-Minute Halloween Date Night Ideas OTHER Than Carving Pumpkins

Why not close out October with some socially distant fun?

5 Fun Last-Minute Halloween Date Night Ideas OTHER Than Carving Pumpkins

We are well into spooky season, which means almost every person's partner has heard them talk about pumpkin spice and "Hocus Pocus" for the last 30 days. I applaud my own boyfriend for bearing to look at me in my decked out Halloween socks that I never seem to have a shortage on. Sadly, the end of the spooky season is right around the corner. But, not to fear, use these five unique date night ideas to spice up your last date October date night.

1. Oktoberfest in your backyard

Oktoberfest was something I looked forward to on a yearly basis. For obvious reasons, the fair had to be canceled this year in NYC, but that doesn't mean we can't all celebrate it. Have you and all of your partnered up friends come over for a fun, socially distant festivity in your backyard. All you need is beer in fun glass mugs, soft pretzels, and classic games such as yodeling and beer chugging competitions. You could even keep it simple and have a costume competition to see who came in their best Oktoberfest outfits... winner gets to take home the leftover beer!

2. Escape room 

Go visit a spooky escape room! This is a great way to not only get into the eerie mood for Halloween but it's also a great way for you and your partner to work together. And maybe consider hitting a bar before to ease potential tensions between you too. It's not fun for other people to hear you argue over who walks the dog more while trapped in a room.

3. Take a haunted tour

So many places offer these fun spooky ghost tours. During these tours, a tour guide will guide you through either a haunted house or numerous spots explaining why you should be shaking in your boots. It's the perfect thing to do for a couple looking for thrills. Check out this page to see where your local haunted tour could be!

4. Walk through a corn maze at night

A corn maze during the day is boring unless you're a child and can't figure out your left from your right. But at night, when everything is dark, it takes some serious skill to get out of them!

5. Movie marathon 

Movie marathons are the best. Have you and your partner pick out your top favorite horror movies and watch each of them. You can spice things up by having a contest, such as the first one to get startled has to make dinner the next night. Or a drinking game where every time someone says, "whose there," you have to drink!

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