Headliners And Health Concerns Surrounding The Olympic Games | The Odyssey Online
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Headliners And Health Concerns Surrounding The Olympic Games

Is it justifiable for USA Basketball Players to opt out of playing in the Olympics due to Safety and Health concerns?

Headliners And Health Concerns Surrounding The Olympic Games

The 2016 Olympic games will be held in Rio de Janeiro this year, a city that is plagued by some not so favorable factors like violence and most importantly, the Zika virus.

Due to the concerns about the virus in particular, it seems like the U.S Basketball Olympic Team could be missing some key stars when it comes time to play ball.

Stars like Russel Westbrook and James Harden have pulled their names from consideration to join the team in Brazil, and many others are likely to follow suit. Another notable superstar that has decided not to participate in the games is MVP Stephen Curry, who said he needs to rest his body after a long and difficult NBA season. This could, however, be a cover up story so he doesn't have to talk about the real reson behind his reluctance to travel to Brazil.

Now that stars are declining to play, I asked myself a question: Is the Zika Virus a justifiable reason to miss the opportunity to represent one's country in the biggest stage in the world?

Why it is a justifiable reason:

The Zika virus is something that is not as medically dangerous as many other diseases out there. However, contracting the virus would be rather dangerous because it would mean uncertainty coming back to the United States right away. Another important thing to note is that the Zika virus can cause some unpleasant symptoms that might make playing in the olympics rather difficult. Some symptoms, such as vomiting, pain in the joints and muscles, and fatigue could affect how the players play during the tournament. And although it is a rare occurrence,people have died of Zika before. When you take all these things into account, it might be a wise move not to attend this year's olympic games.

Why it's not a justifiable reason:

Well we are talking about Olympic athletes here, who should have the best security team in the entire planet. Plus the military should be taking care of ridding the general area from any Zika infestations while the games are going on.

Another important thing to note is the fact that you are representing your country and your people, and although it might seem like a formality to play against other countries in the game of Basketball when you have the best players in the world, you still have a duty to your country and should be honored to play for it.


Personally, I side more with the athletes who have decided to opt out of their trip to Brazil. It's your health, your life, and your safety that should come above anything. I understand that it might come off as being lazy and overreacting to something that could be controlled with the proper precautions, but in the end I know my health and my well being will be spotless. After all, I have people that depend on me and I can't jeopardize their well being just because I want to play.

Now it's your turn to decide and judge for yourself: Is it justifiable to opt out of the olympics this year?

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