"I've Got Magic Beans" | The Odyssey Online
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"I've Got Magic Beans"

The biggest blessings in life are sometimes right in front of your face.

"I've Got Magic Beans"
US Weekly

As an avid "Friends" fan, I have seen the show multiple times. I thought I had heard every line that I could possibly quote during every day life. Today, while watching "The One With George Stephanopoulos," I heard something I had not paid attention to before. (Quick summary for those who have not seen the show. If you don't need the summary, skip to below the picture.) The credit card company calls Rachel because they are worried about the lack of activity on her card. Devastated, Rachel talks to Monica and Phoebe about how she does not have a plan. Phoebe compares her to Jack and the bean stalk, referencing how he traded his cow for magic beans that grew a bean stalk that lead to a lot of possibilities. Rachel retorts back, "I don't have magic beans, just normal beans." Later on in the episode, the card company calls Rachel while her friends are playing twister. She glances at her friends laughing and responds, "I'm okay, really. I've got magic beans."

Sometimes, the biggest blessings in our lives are right in front of our faces. Although it may feel as though the world is against us, there is always a silver lining. I do not thank my friends enough for being the best part of my life. I can always count on them to be there when I need them. I can always count on them when I need a laugh. Despite all life can throw at me, my friends have never left my side. When we are reunited I can always count on a hug and for us to start right where we left off. For that I am incredibly grateful. I don't think I could ever give enough to my friends to let them know how much they have impacted my life. The closest thing I could do would be to them what they are to me. I need to be their sunshine, make them laugh until they cry, be a shoulder to cry on, listen to every word they say, and make them realize how wonderful their lives really are. I could make them feel empowered. I could make them see their worth. I could help them see right through other peoples crap.

But doing all of that wouldn't be enough to make up for everything they've done for me. Every smile they caused, every laugh they brought. All the tears and joys I have shared with them is enough to last me for my entire life.

No matter how many times I complain about life, when I think it's unfair, cruel, or I just don't understand why certain things happen. I still have them.

No matter what life throws at me, I'm going to be okay.

I've got magic beans.

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