I'm With Her But I Haven't Turned A Blind Eye
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I'm With Her But I Haven't Turned A Blind Eye

I support the good she's done but I also recognize the bad.

I'm With Her But I Haven't Turned A Blind Eye

There's a certain stigma surround Hillary Clinton supporters that we accept and support everything she's ever done and think she can do no wrong. I can't speak for all of her supporters of course, but the supporters I know agree: she's not perfect. She's pretty far from it. But her mistakes and misjudgment don't take away the accomplishments she has gracefully executed. Accomplishments that Trump supporters are quick to dismiss under guise of her so called criminality. I may not agree with everything she has ever done, but I do believe she is one of the most qualified candidates to run for office. Maybe ever. And that far outweighs the few questionable actions of her impressive career.

Therefore don't dismiss my political opinion and think I accept corruption of any kind because I believe in her ability to lead. Don't assume I'm okay with problems or scandals like the emails or anything else just because I recognize and praise her toughness, intelligence, and unrelenting passion for improving the world.

In place of assuming I praise the negative and am okay with corruption, here are a few things I am okay with. The vital negotiations and ceasefires she successfully crafted. The plethora of advancements she's made in human rights; both gender-focused and with the LGBTQ community in addition to her work with children. More importantly, I'm okay with knowing she's apologized and faced what she has done wrong in order to move on. She's not arrogant enough to dismiss them and claim the media is biased and created fallacies like the other candidate is quick to do; she's strong enough to be able to see past mistakes to take care of what's important. That's the problem; that many who aren't voting for her won't recognize the strength it took to admit wrongdoing, especially in a position of power and social spotlight like hers. When you do something wrong or inappropriate, do you have the courage she does to admit it and press forward? Would you have the confidence to face that wrong on national television in front of 300 million Americans?

That is the single greatest difference between those two names on the ballot this election; one is strong and mature enough to move on past her mistakes and learn from them. The other simply rejects, well, rejection. When asked about past wrong-doings Trump does not face the accusations and allegations. Just the opposite in fact; he blatantly disregards it in a narcissistic fashion and unintelligently yells 'wrong' and files law suits.

So before dismissing her ability to be president and before judging my morality for believing in that ability, take a look in the mirror. Before assuming that Clinton supporters are at ease with everything she's done, take a step back. Weigh the prejudices you have against her with her many many accomplishments sh has and see if you've lost some perspective along the way.

Before you try to shut down political discussions with simplistic answers of her "need to be in jail" and "how can you support her", actually listen to the reasons we support her. Actually look at her record and you'll be shocked to see she has the respect of many many world leaders. Why? Because she damn well earned it. Earning it wasn't as smooth as Trump supporters want it to have been, but success is never linear.

Before judging her so harshly for misjudgments, ask yourself why you have such a need for her to be in jail when the other candidate has such an unequivocal lack of respect for the law. Why are his offenses acceptable to you? Is her gender the reason people expect her to have a flawless record? Is her femininity causation to condemn her?

I'm with her. I support her. I believe she will exceed as commander in chief. I do not believe she is perfect or without faults, so please, when you ask me who I support, don't assume that I believe that. Don't assume anything at all.

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