How Can You Be With Her?
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How Can You Be With Her?

I’m not asking why you weren't with Donald Trump, or any of the other candidates.

How Can You Be With Her?

I have a question for all of the Hillary supporters: How could you be with her?

I’m not asking why you weren't with Donald Trump, or any of the other candidates; I’m asking if you unhesitatingly casted your vote for Hillary after her lie-filled, scandal-ridden, and undeniably corrupt past? Before heading to the polls on November 8th, please reconsider who you can trust to lead this country. Do you truly believe that she's the lesser of two evils?

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Her past and present are filled with scandals; her future unquestionably will be too. Travelgate, Filegate, Whitewater, Chinagate, Furnituregate… besides ending in “gate,” what do these scandals have in common? The Clintons. Not to mention, there's undeniably something slightly shady about the suicide of Vince Foster, or, for that matter, all of the mysterious deaths tied to the Clintons. What about how the DNC rigged the primaries to secure Hillary as their nominee over Bernie? Or Bill Clinton’s private meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch just days before the closure of the Justice Department’s investigation on Hillary’s use of a private email server.

Her “damn emails” that, no, the American people are not sick of hearing about, provide some of the transparency that Hillary lacks. The emails reveal pieces of the corrupt, deceiving, crooked campaign and career run by Hillary Clinton. Recently released emails show the blurred lines between foundation donations and unlawful political favors, and the lack of independence between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. The Clinton Foundation accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments that the State Department has criticized for their records on human-rights issues, such as the oppression of women and homosexuals. Hillary Clinton accepted large contributions from foreign donors such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and Algeria.

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The emails also reveal the ties the Clinton Foundation has to Wall Street and big money. Those tax laws Donald Trump legally abided by and used to his advantage to avoid paying some of his taxes? She would have kept those around in order to keep the big bucks in the pockets of her donors. In one of her paid speeches, she spoke of the need for a “public and private position” on policy. In other emails, it was revealed that she was well aware of the security risks of using a BlackBerry at the State Department. Just as she was aware that using a private email server would sure endanger national security (as confirmed by multiple experts). Not to mention, she then deleted 31,830 emails from her private server, violating federal rules requiring that she turn over work-related emails upon leaving office. Then she lied excessively to the FBI (and the American people) about her actions. Hillary Clinton’s former aides have invoked their Fifth Amendment rights far too many times in response to questions about her email practices. While pleading the Fifth does not equate to admission of guilt, the exercising of this right surely reveals the unethical conduct and lack of transparency that takes place in a Clinton administration.

She lied--and continues to lie-- about Benghazi. Many Hillary supporters say they’ve heard enough about Benghazi, but whether or not you can agree that Hillary is responsible for the deaths of the four Americans at the compound, it's irrefutable to say that she did something wrong. She repeatedly bragged that not a single American life was lost in Libya. How about four? The Obama White House and the Clinton State Department knew that the attack had nothing whatsoever to do with a video, yet they blatantly lied to the American people to protect their reputation. A government that lies to its people is dangerous, and an administration run by Hillary Clinton is bound to be as transparent as a brick wall.

Lie after lie, Hillary took dishonesty to the extreme. It’s hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth, because she has been caught in so many lies throughout her lifelong career as a politician. She even lies about her lies. Hillary claims to “have been very consistent over the course of [her] entire life.” Stating that she has “always fought for the same values and principles.” In 2004, Senator Clinton believed that “marriage is not just a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman.” In November 2012, Hillary praised the Trans Pacific Partnership as an agreement that “sets the gold standard in trade agreements,” but now she claims she said she “hopes” it will set the gold standard. She claimed that she and Bill “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.” Yet, the Clinton family’s tax returns (we all know how important Hillary feels it is to release tax returns) show that they earned over 3 million dollars. Her most laughable lie of all might have to be her tale of landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. While campaigning for president in 2008, Hillary recalled a trip she took to Bosnia, where they had to run from the plane to the vehicles with their heads down when they landed under sniper fire. Footage of the landing show the greeting ceremony Hillary claimed they had to forgo, as well as the flowers Clinton received as she calmly walked away from the plane and greeted people on the tarmac. She is a world-class liar.

Hillary Clinton is a lying, scandal-plagued, corrupt, career politician, and, yes: she is a nasty woman. Secret Service agents have claimed she is a nightmare to work with. She and Bill greedily funneled Haitian relief funds to Clinton Foundation donors. She threatened women who accused her husband of sexual misconduct (and he has been accused far too many times for someone whom we should elect back into the White House). She uses stereotypes to appeal to voters, claiming she always carries hot sauce with her (really?) and imitating what she believes to be an African-American accent when she speaks to black audiences. She classified young blacks as “super predators.” When appointed to defend the rapist of Kathy Shelton, a twelve year old girl, she blamed the victim for getting raped; she attacked her character and accused Shelton of being emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men. She later laughed about how her defendant’s polygraph test forever destroyed her faith in polygraphs. Talk about a champion of women’s rights. She called the family members of the victims in Benghazi liars. Released emails show the disdain throughout the Clinton Campaign for Catholics. They mock Catholics, calling conservative Catholics “an amazing bastardization of the faith” and hoping for a Catholic Spring. She claimed Bernie supporters are those who are living in their parents’ basements, who don’t see much of a future, who feel consigned to “being a barista.” Her staff mocked southerners and labeled Latinos as “needy” and “Taco Bowl” voters. She called 50% of Trump supporters deplorable. She views Republicans—a large chunk of the American population—as her enemies. The Clinton Campaign paid people to incite violence at Trump rallies; apparently those who don’t agree must be silenced.

Obama was right. Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected. Bernie was right. Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president. Nothing has changed since her now-endorsers made those remarks, aside from more scandals, more corruption, and more lies.

Hillary is for no one but herself. Not you, not the American people. How could you be with her?

This story was updated following the results of the 2016 election.

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