How Well Do You Know A Person?
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How Well Do You Know A Person?

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How Well Do You Know A Person?

It was a bright sunny day with not a cloud in the sky. A light breeze swept through that pushed people along as it went by. Walking by, there was a faint sound of screams from people on the park’s attractions. In particular, there was a man and woman named Jonathan and Annabelle Roth. Newly married, they were living the high life as detectives for the FBI. Jonathan had been in the service for five years. He was tall with brown hair and eyes and appealed to country girls because he was laid back and easygoing. Most considered him a pushover. However, Annabelle, who only started the job six months ago, was rather short and dressed to impress. Jonathan was in charge of teaching Annabelle everything he knew to become the best detective. While on the job, the young couple soon fell in love. After only six months of knowing each other, they were married. They decided to take a trip after the wedding to Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL for a week because Annabelle was in love with the amusement park and Jonathan would do anything to make her happy. However, not all vacations end in happiness.

“Annabelle, where are you going?” Jonathan laughed while chasing after his wife. “I’ll race you to the Eagle!” Annabelle shouted behind her, now sprinting towards the line for the roller coaster. Once they reached the line, Jonathan noticed that they may have to wait a while before they can go on the ride.

“I won fair and square!” Annabelle laughed giving Jonathan a playful punch on the arm.

“You may have won this round, but I’ll get you back! Since we have some time to kill, I have a last minute wedding gift for you.”

“Oh! Let me see! You shouldn’t have!”

Jonathan reached into his pocket and pulled out a white box and handed it to Annabelle.

Inside, there was a silver charm bracelet without any charms.

“What’s this?” Annabelle asked when Jonathan placed the bracelet on her wrist.

“It’s a charm bracelet. Each new chapter in our life will be remembered by a charm. Which reminds me, I need to get a charm of a roller coaster.”

“So that we will always remember our first trip together as a married couple!” Annabelle exclaimed while reaching up and wrapping Jonathan in her arms and thanking him.

After a wait that seemed like hours, Jonathan and Annabelle finally boarded the Eagle. Afterwards, they decided to go to the Six Flags Cafeteria to have dinner. Annabelle waited in the line to get each of them a burger and fries while Jonathan left to use the restroom. When he came back, Annabelle was not in the line nor was she sitting at a table waiting for him. Assuming she went to the bathroom as well, he took a seat and waited for her. Five minutes went by and Annabelle was not there. Another ten minutes went by and Jonathan stood up and began to look around. Panic stricken, he searched around the cafeteria with no luck of finding her. Then, he looked by the Eagle, which was the last place they were at together. Again, there was no luck of finding her. Suddenly, Jonathan heard screaming and ran over to a ride called the Demon. Luckily, Annabelle was standing over by the big crowd waving for Jonathan to come over.

“What happened? Are you alright?” Jonathan panted catching up to Annabelle.

“There has been an accident! Someone died on the Demon! They say it was a malfunction on the ride!”

“What? How can that be? We were just on the ride and it was working fine! Come on, we

need to get to the bottom of this.”

Rushing over past the crime scene tape, Jonathan and Annabelle showed their badges to the police officers to prove they were detectives. They started to look around for evidence to how the death happened. Jonathan approached a crowd of people that saw what had happened. Unfortunately, they did not give any important information as to what happened. Most witnesses claimed that the victim's death came out of nowhere. Shortly after the investigation began, a police officer approached them.

“Who are you?” Jonathan questioned as he stood up to greet the man. “I haven’t seen you before.”

“My name is Hunter Crumb, I’m a new police officer and I decided to help you and your partner with this case because it seemed interesting.” Hunter had just started working as a policeman only a week ago. He had brown eyes that seemed to be the color black at times and bleach blonde hair that shined in the sun with his walk.

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you. This is my wife, Annabelle. We were just getting started. Do you have any information about this that you could tell us?”

“Ah, yes I do! You see, the victim has seemed to have died of natural causes and not from the ride itself.”

“What on earth do you mean? That he simply, casually died while on a rollercoaster?

Witnesses said he was not having a heart attack nor was he complaining of anything being wrong.”

“Maybe he was just simply scared to death.”

After Hunter had said this, Jonathan became uneasy and walked over to Annabelle. While Jonathan and Hunter had been talking, Annabelle discovered an ironic piece of information that confirmed that the victim did not die from natural causes.

“Oh Jon, it’s terrible! I just asked some of the people that work here if any malfunctions

have been occurring on the ride and they told me something,” Annabelle whispered while showing signs of being scared.

“What is it?” Jonathan asked while trying to comfort his up wife.

“They told me that every six months someone dies on the Demon! Every six months on the dot! This is no accident! We have a killer on our hands!”

“Don’t worry Annabelle, I won’t let anything happen to anyone or to you. Right now we need to help these people so that this does not happen again.”

After they were done gathering evidence, they decided to go back to the hotel where Jonathan and Annabelle were staying. Jonathan laid all of the information and the pictures that were taken on the bed and began to piece them together. However, Annabelle and Hunter did not have working on the case in mind. They began talking among each other and did not speak of what happened. Jonathan walked over after three hours of working by himself and demanded that they put forth the work to solve the case faster. However, Annabelle grew tired and wished to go to bed. Reluctantly, Jonathan agreed and they went to bed while Hunter let himself out.

The next morning, Jonathan went straight to work. Annabelle decided to sleep in until just about noon and had a slow time getting ready to help with the investigation. During the night, Jonathan had an uneasy feeling that prevented him from sleeping. He woke up finding out that he had a fever and pains in his head and back. Growing frustrated with the lack of help from his wife, Jonathan sat on the bed and rubbed his forehead.

“What’s wrong honey?” Annabelle questioned after she came back from taking a shower.

“I have a headache and I'm in a lot of random pain. On top of that, none of the evidence makes any sense and I feel like there’s a missing piece of information I don’t know about.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, I’m sure it’s nothing too important.”

Annabelle walked over to the mirror and brushed her hair. Jonathan, on the other hand, stood up in a rage. “It’s nothing important? Annabelle! Does your job mean anything to you? Our job is to solve the case and right now it seems like you don’t want to solve it! What is your deal?!”

“Don’t you dare yell at me! I did nothing wrong! This was supposed to be our get away from work but all you did was bring the work here! Have someone else solve the case!”

“Have someone else solve it? No! It’s our job! Maybe it would already be solved if you didn’t throw yourself at Hunter all the time!” As Jonathan shouted this, Hunter walked in the door. Unaware of what was going on, he ran over to Annabelle to comfort her because she began to cry. This only made matters worse because Jonathan grew jealous that Annabelle was giving attention to Hunter. After the three of them separated, in order to cool down from the fight, they all came together to talk out the problem and to organize the evidence back in order. Halfway through the day, Jonathan took a nap in order to tune down his fever and headache. Annabelle and Hunter continued working, promising to work hard and correctly. However, when Jonathan woke up, he noticed that more mistakes had been made by them than when he was working with them.

Unaware Jonathan was in the room, Hunter and Annabelle were talking in a suspicious whisper. “Annabelle, what are you doing?” Jonathan asked while making himself known and snatching a photo of the victim from her hands. “This is evidence, you can’t throw evidence away.”

“The picture is blurry. I must have moved my hand too fast right at the moment I took the picture. There’s no point having it.”

“Some parts of the picture are blurry, but there are other parts of it that aren’t and you know that! Why are you acting strange?”

“Strange? How dare you call me strange! I thought you loved me! One mistake and you get on my back about it!”

“This is not the first mistake you have made! You switched up pictures and recorded documents and you’re making false assumptions! Are you trying to fail this case and let these people down? Ever since Hunter came into the investigation you have been nothing but careless and unhelpful!” Jonathan screamed as his anger finally decided to pour out. Furious, Jonathan grabbed the pictures and documents, threw them in a box and stormed out of the hotel without a second thought.

There was a dark, black blanket that covered the sky as Jonathan marched back into the theme park to further investigate. Nothing mattered to him anymore. All that mattered was solving the case for the poor people so that they do not have to live in fear of who would die next. When he arrived at the scene, it was so dark that Jonathan could not see his hand right in front of his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a flashlight and turned it on. The light poured out onto the ground and reflected off an unknown object. When he knelt down to see what it was, his whole body sunk to the floor. Annabelle’s charm bracelet was lying on the ground in two pieces. Jonathan had to cover his own mouth in order to prevent him from screaming. Annabelle was the killer.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here!” said a voice behind Jonathan. When he

turned around, he saw Annabelle walking towards him with Hunter close by.

“You! You’re the killer!” Jonathan screamed while throwing the bracelet into the dirt and stomping on it.

“It looks like I didn’t marry an idiot after all!”

“Annabelle, how could you? This whole time you have been killing innocent people! For what? It’s like I don’t even know you! Who are you?!”

“Who am I? How well do you know a person? Well, Johnny, it’s too late for that now. The reason we kill is for the fun! Hunter and I have been traveling all over America to different Six Flags theme parks in order to kill. Oh, and did I mention, Hunter and I have been married for six years and he is my true love. Not you! You were stupid to believe anything I said.” Annabelle began to laugh with an evil smirk as Jonathan stood there with millions of thoughts running through his mind. His vision was becoming blurry and his body was numbing by the second. Annabelle and Hunter began to walk towards him again; this time, they were not going to stop. Without a second thought, Jonathan swung out and punched Hunter in the face. Furious, Hunter jumped on him and they began to fight for their lives. Jonathan was too weak to fight back with all his strength; therefore, with the fight only lasting no more than ten minutes, he found himself unable to move.

“Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, what am I going to do with you?” Annabelle whispered to Jonathan as she knelt down to his side. She picked up the broken charm bracelet, that was laying next to his head, and dangled it in her hand over his face. Jonathan stared at the bracelet as it swung back and forth and eventually fell into a trance. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on the side of his body. By the time he reached down to grab his side, there was a warm liquid running down it. Suddenly, again, there was another sharp pain and more of the liquid poured out of his side. Unable to move, Jonathan continued to lay where he was it as his vision worsened and he grew weaker. Before his vision went completely black, he saw two figures walking off hand in hand. Those two figures were no other than Annabelle and Hunter. They were able to escape being caught once again for what they did.
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