I remember doing summer reading assignments for school. In elementary school, I had to summarize the assigned book that I chose to read on a reading log. In middle school, I had to summarize the assigned book that I chose to read on a reading log or answer questions about the assigned book. In high school, I also have to do a reading log on any book that I read each week by making text-to-text connections, text-to-self connections, and text-to-world connections. I also had to choose an assigned book to read and answer questions about the assigned book.
Out of all the summer reading assignments, I like the high school summer reading assignment where I had to do the reading log. I like the fact that I can read any book and fanfiction to complete the assignment. However, the book and fanfiction had to be age-appropriate. This assignment allowed me to make any connections to the book. Some connections were very good and made-up.
We had to read for one hundred and twenty minutes, which students did not like. Most students lied that they read a story for one hundred and twenty minutes. The teachers did not check if they read for one hundred and twenty minutes. It was right and clever of the students to not read for one hundred and twenty minutes. After hearing that a lot of high school students did not like the reading log assignment, the English department decided to stop implementing the reading log assignment. They still kept the reading assignment that required us to choose an assigned book to read and answer questions about it. I was sad that I could not do the reading log assignment anymore because it was fun and I get to read anything that I want. Maybe they should just get rid of the part where we had to read for one hundred and twenty minutes. We could just practice making connections and do not need to read the whole book and fanfiction.
There were no more summer reading assignments after I graduated from high school. I will always remember my experience with the high school reading log.