Since I'm graduating in less than a week, I thought I would reflect on some of the life lessons I have learned in high school. Like many of you, I did a lot of growing up the past four years. Here are some things I've learned.
1. Be independent; rely on yourself
GiphyThrough casual friends and acquaintances, I have learned that you have to rely on yourself sometimes.
Learning to be independent and self-sufficient is a valuable life skill.
2. Speak your mind
GiphyI have made strong relationships through speaking my mind with both teachers and students. Quiet is boring; be loud.
3. Be nice to people (seriously, do it)
Cliche but, you never know what someone is going through. After losing a fellow classmate to suicide earlier this year, this lesson is one of the most important I've learned.
4. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days
GiphyAs perfect as a student as I was (not really), I still got in trouble once or twice. you can't please everyone. Just learn from the past and move on.
5. People can be jerks...
GiphyFor the moment of silence in honor of the Parkland school shooting victims, people were extremely rude. No matter the cause, people will be jerks. Ignore them and focus on the good.
6. ...but they can be kind too
GiphyI have met some extremely kind individuals in high school. For every negative person, there were two positive people to make up for it. Cherish those who strive to be the good in the world, and be like them.
7. Not everyone will like you
GiphyNo matter how kind you are, people will still hate you. Get over it.
8. Thank your parents more
GiphyThey are the people who are there for you the most (usually). Be appreciative and do some unexpected chores once in a while.
9. Spend more time with your friends than with your boyfriend/girlfriend
GiphyBoyfriends and girlfriends are temporary. Only a few last forever, and trust me on this one, you will lose your friends if you ditch them for your significant other.
10. Step out of your comfort zone
Living comfortably will get old and get you nowhere. Nobody ever accomplished anything significant by staying home in bed on a Friday night.
To high schoolers, college students, or even adults, these little life lessons will be applied throughout your entire life. Take note and keep learning.