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HB2 Gets More Interesting

The revisions to the law just aren't helping.

HB2 Gets More Interesting
The Daily Buzz

I was hoping that the next time I got the chance to talk about North Carolina's House Bill 2, or HB2, it would be an article celebrating the repeal of this horrendous law and the beginnings of North Carolina making amends to the LGBT community. Instead, I get to write about the idiocracy that is still in power that just continues to impress me with how it conducts business. HB2 has been revised and I'm mad as hell as to how it was changed.

Let's begin.

Well congratulations cis straight people! You are now allowed to sue your employer in state court! Again! It's been such a tough fight, but if you feel discriminated against, then you don't have to worry about having to file in federal court. As for everyone that this law actually negatively impacts, there still aren't any protections established to prevent workplace discrimination, which means that even if you are discriminated against, then North Carolina does not recognize LGBT discrimination as discrimination.

You may be thinking, "but what about the protections that are now offered through Ole Pat's (still not going to give him the courtesy of addressing him by name) executive decision?" Well that would be great and all if all the LGBT people in the state worked for the state government, but most jobs in North Carolina are in the private sector, so while a few receive those protections, there still isn't enough coverage for the rest of the North Carolina LGBT community.

Yes. Yes, you have.

Next, I know that this will sound stereotypical, but every Republican I have ever met has always been focused on money. This usually comes from them saying that Democrats are wasting it, or it comes from them saying, "how can we make more of it?" Well HB2 is gearing up to cost the state a potential of $5 billion a year if it is not repealed. This largely comes from a potential loss of federal funding once the lawsuit filed by US Attorney General Loretta Lynch gets sorted out, but we have already seen a loss of revenue due to the cancellations of concerts from Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam, and Cirque du Soleil among others. Bank of America and Paypal both decided to back out of expansions planned in North Carolina.

So at what point can Republicans decide that they have lost enough money and graciously bow out of this fight against its own citizens?

I really see that coming.

Well here comes the real kicker of what the legislature has done. They decided it would be a brilliant idea to allocate $500,000 in order to defend itself in the coming court battle with the federal government. Sure I would have at least respected this move if this had been a law that was progressive and... good... but the real insult comes from where this money is coming. The state just took this money from a disaster relief fund.

Let me repeat myself. The state just took this money from a disaster relief fund.

You know, the money that the state would have used if there happens to be a hurricane that hits the state, or a tornado decides to rip through Fayetteville again. Once again this shows how the state government just does not care about its citizens. Maybe that money could have been put to better use, like education or DISASTER RELIEF.

Maybe the UN can declare a state of emergency for North Carolina..

I know you all must be tired of me ranting about HB2, but I'm not going to sit quietly by as people get marginalized and discriminated against. We need new leadership in North Carolina, the kind of leadership that will actually look after and care about its citizens. We need for this state to not be such a laughing stock. Lastly, we just need to let people use the bathroom where the feel most comfortable. As the good book says, "Everyone Poops."

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