I Guess We Can't Always Get What We Want
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Politics and Activism

I Guess We Can't Always Get What We Want

A confused collection of thoughts regarding Election 2016

I Guess We Can't Always Get What We Want
From ABCNews.com

So Donald Trump won the election to the massive shock of the American people. It's an event that is as cataclysmic as 9/11, according to journalist Mark Halperin. However, my personal thoughts on the matter are ones filled with confusion. I still do not understand how after all the issues that have surfaced regarding Trump, from the Access Hollywood tape to Trump University to his nonexistent tax returns, he still gets elected. How many bone-headed knuckle-draggers voted for the same man that has an obvious disdain for Mexicans, Muslims, women and blacks? Somehow, all those issues above carry no immediate threat to their well-being as much as the impending threat of Hillary Clinton's emails. It's probably because they realize that a virtual letter you send over the internet is going to destroy the country one day. Trump has expressed interest in using nukes, but that's besides the point.

Days after this election, I'm still in confusion, especially after seeing the statistics regarding the votes casted. I do not understand how 4 million idiots voted for their own stupid idiot in Gary Johnson. Another million put their stock in Jill Stein, but the results are clear. None of them got close to making a dent in this election cycle. If their voters actually put forth an effort to go with either of the major parties, I wouldn't be so frustrated right now. But together, those third party votes could have made a difference in the overall turnout. As Rachel Maddow said, "If you vote for somebody who can’t win for president, it means that you don’t care who wins for president."

Another thing that is confusing me is the idea that people are cheering for Trump winning, specifically those white workers that Trump has managed to attract. If you saw any footage of Trump's campaign headquarters, they were on the verge of tears and they were giving hugs all around. But why? Why should they be crying? They didn't fight for anything. They already had white privilege. They already have the majority in the country, yet they act as if their voices aren't being heard because they feel they don't have a priority. But Trump gives them a big orange vehicle to portray their nationalist ideals on. So take that, Hispanics, Blacks, and Muslims! It is about time for the white people to take the wheel that they have been denied for so many years! America first! (and by America first, they mean screw the minorities)

And to add to the confusion, I don't understand how a majority of white college educated males voted for Trump. You're college educated. That is more than enough to realize that Trump is a goof. But it's OK. If I had the chance possibly to ruin the country, I'd take it too. So thanks white college educated males! You guys are really putting that college degree to work!

This entire thing has just left me confused. Since Tuesday, Trump has taken a liking to parts of Obamacare, something that he has vehemently been against for the past 18 months, infrastructure is currently not a priority, even though Trump has always vowed to fix it, and he has tapped a known climate denier to the top EPA position. All of this is enough to rip my hair out, but I think it's best to stay optimistic, no matter how asinine this entire thing is. Hillary Clinton lost and Donald Trump won via the rules. There is no ground to protest something that was won fair and square. There's nothing we can do to change the result, but we can certainly change the future. Hell, Trump might turn out to be an amazing president. It's just a matter of waiting and seeing. Only after seeing those results, we may or may not have reason to protest.

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