To Greek, or Not to Greek?
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Student Life

To Greek, or Not to Greek?

Why Shows Like ABC Family's "Greek" Left Me Craving Sisterhood

To Greek, or Not to Greek?

Greek life is a component of the college experience for students all across the country, but it is also has a hugely popular presence in the media that surrounds us. So even if you’re not attending a college that has sororities and fraternities, odds are you’ve been exposed to them at one point or another in your life. My college doesn’t have Greek life, but I have always been intrigued by the concept of sisterhood and everything that goes along with being in a sorority. I was a dedicated watcher of ABC Family’s “Greek,” I’ve read the private school novels, and I’ve even listened to my friends tell me stories about wild frat parties. I’m sure the actual experience of rush and sorority life would differ greatly from the images portrayed by Spencer Grammer and Amber West on “Greek,” but nevertheless, if I had it to do all over again, I would jump at the chance to get involved. As an outsider looking in, here are my top five reasons for wanting to join a sorority based off of what the media tells us Greek life is truly all about.

1. Achievement

Hazing. Pledging. Freshman year. All of this time you spend constantly at your sisters’ beck and call, running the errands they don’t want to do and staying home at night from the party to be the designated driver. In the moment it might suck, but in the long run sacrificing this part of your freshman year fun allows you to build a foundation among your older sisters by supporting them and looking out for their best interests. And once you’re an active, you have their trust and support, not to mention a whole new fleet of freshmen pledging themselves to make your life easier. Make it through one year of coffee runs and bathroom cleaning, and you’ll be rewarded with a family of sisters who value your character and respect your hard work.

2. Distraction

One too many freshmen find themselves holed up in their dorm rooms, buried beneath mountains of course work while drinking 10 K Cups a day and trying to stay on top of the professor’s most recent extra credit assignment. School is important, but when you get too focused on academic perfection, it’s important to remember to have fun in college and experience new things outside of discovering the stages to Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. Sororities allow you to make friends with girls who are not only not in your major, but also not in your graduating class. You’ll be able to get some perspective from people who have already survived their freshmen seminars, and not only that but their social calendar will provide you with an easy way to get out of your dorm room and recharge from the sometimes draining side of academia.

3. Bonds

I won’t say friendship, because it’s more than that. Sometimes you’ll love chatting with your sisters, and other times you’ll find yourselves bickering like crazy. But the institution of sorority unites you together with these friends and adversaries, teaching you that there is something greater in each individual that links us all together on this earth. You’re both a part of something greater than either one of you, something that spans back decades and has a rich history of tradition and community. Suddenly the fact that your sister borrowed your hairbrush or took the last granola bar doesn’t seem to matter so much anymore. Being a part of a sorority reminds you to value the relationships, the people, and the bonds you have to your current sisters and the ones who came before you. It also reminds you not get hung up on the mistakes each of them may have made. You’ve made your fair share of mistakes too, and your sisters have already forgiven you for last night’s off key performance of New Romantics in the shower.

4. Values, Expectations, and Tradition

As far as your subscription to an institution goes, once you’ve been released from the halls of your high school, the ball is in your court. College won’t require you to sit in homeroom or say the pledge of allegiance every morning, and there is no one breathing down your neck to make sure you participate in at least three clubs a semester to remain in good standing. When you get to college, it’s up to you to figure out who you are. During this first year, you’re really fleshing out your values and attempting to figure out how to navigate this suddenly much bigger, much freer world. And sometimes that can be scary! Membership to a sorority lets you put your faith in something bigger than yourself. It provides you with a certain code of values and expectations of behavior that may help you make the transition from the rules of high school to the freedom of adulthood. Meeting the sorority’s GPA and social requirements will help you feel a certain sense of accomplishment and allow you to know that you’ve successfully lived up to standards you can be proud of.

5. Relationships

The dating world is a huge part of the Greek system and connections between certain houses can open doors for introduction to eligible bachelors on campus. College is a wonderful time to date and meet new people as you discover yourself and learn what you want in a partner. You might fall madly in love and you might not, but either way, the experience will help you determine who you are, and the types of people you want to surround yourself with. Plus, the concept of being serenaded by your sweetheart or getting asked to formals by a cute active makes everyone squeal with excitement!

To all Greeks out there—what do you think? Are these real aspects of sorority life, or does the media’s portrayal of Greek life misrepresent what is truly at the heart of the system? I’d be curious to know from Greeks how accurately (or not!) we understand sororities and fraternities solely from what we see on TV. Happy back to school season everyone, and good luck to anyone who plans on rushing!

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