An Open Letter to My Roommates | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter to My Roommates

My roommates, my friends, my confidants

An Open Letter to My Roommates
Meagan Pusser

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Hey Roomies,

Let me just start by saying I'm glad I got to see all of you at once yesterday. It's rare that we're all home at the same time and that just makes me all the more grateful for the rare occasions that we get to spend a hot minute together.

Secondly, I want to tell you how amazing you have been to live with this semester. I know I'm not the easiest person to live with, I tend to spend a lot of my time alone, on my laptop or stuck in a book. I know I watch a little too much Adult Swim when I know I should be sleeping. I know I get up a little too early for a normal college student and I know that my early-morning breakfast escapades are obnoxious.

To put it plainly, I understand any frustrations you may have had when living in the same suite as me. Trust e, I get frustrated with myself for the same reasons.

All. The. Time.

But you've never complained, at least not to me. We all know we can be a little passive aggressive, but I've never gotten that vibe from any of you. I want you to know that I appreciate that.

Thirdly, I want to thank you for reminding me to let loose every once in a while. I know that I can be kind of uptight and extremely type-A (especially as midterms and finals come around,) but you've been there for me this semester, just to remind me that it's okay to skip out on another round of editing my paper to watch a movie every once in a while. You've reminded me that not everything is a big deal, that sometimes you just have to do the best you can and give yourself the peace of mind that you've done your best.

Finally, and most importantly, I want to thank each of you for being there for me this semester. I tend to withdraw from group situations, especially as winter rolls around. Something about the biting cold weather outside and the stress that I harbor inside makes me want to stay away from other people, to just hole up and be alone for days on end.

I went an entire week without speaking to anyone but professors last year and now I can't imagine doing it again. It would be impossible because I know you would check on me if you had gone that long without hearing from me in some way, shape, or form.

I want to thank you because that was the most miserable week of my college life. A year ago, I spent most of my time alone and I felt the most depressed I ever had in my life. Sure, my grades were awesome, but that was because I had nothing to do besides study and edit my own papers. It was miserable and I slowly started to blame myself, telling myself that I was the reason I had no friends.

I had myself convinced that nobody on campus wanted to spend time with me because I wasn't worth being around, that I never and never would have friends on campus.

Even after I brought myself out of my room to talk to friends, I still felt weird. Something about being in isolation for so long made me hate myself. It wasn't that bad every day--some days were better than others, but most days I felt at least a sliver of that same disappointment with myself.

That's not the case this semester. This time around I feel loved and supported, I feel that I have a great group of friends that enjoy my company because of the person I am.

While I can't fully attribute this feeling to you alone, happiness truly does start at home and, at least while I'm enrolled here, you guys are my home.

I have felt unwelcome in my own home before and I just want to thank you for never making me feel that way again.

I wish each of you the best of luck in your finals and everything moving forward. I'm glad we've had the chance to bond over homework sessions in the study room, movie marathons, Saturday nights full of dancing, and Prime dinners this semester. Sitting on the floor with all of you at 1 AM a few weeks ago (on a Sunday night, scandalous!) really made me realize how blessed I am to have each of you in my life.

Although I've known you for two years to two months, I already know that you have made a lasting impact on my life.

Thank you and I love each of you more than I can ever express.


The Most Blessed Roommate on Campus

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