HIIT is high intensity interval training. At Strongsville Fit Body Boot Camp we have 8 sessions a day of these workouts. They are small group training sessions with a personal trainer. No mirrors, no intimidation, just hard work and fun. HIIT workouts are everyone's favorite for just about one simple reason. They are efficient.
Our workouts are only 30 minutes long. They are quick and effective. I mean, who doesn't have 30 minutes a day to dedicate to their health? There are so many other benefits to HIIT workouts. Some being that they help you burn more fat throughout the day, build a healthier heart, and they are challenging! We also modify and advance any exercise to fit individual needs! Seriously, HIIT is for anyone! Even though we use equipment to add variety to our workouts, the best part is that you can do these pretty much anywhere! If you don't have a gym to use, there are so many other ways to do these workouts!
If you need to get motivated, stop in and our trainer will have the workout ready for you! No thinking required. In and out the door in 30 minutes! Call us at (440-467-1040) to stop in for a free session and see what the fuss is all about! You can also email into info@strongsvillefitbody.com or drop in and say hi! :) See you soon!