I never pictured myself as a sorority girl. I was surrounded by the stereotypes and individual stigmas of each organization. Most of my friends had the peppy hype about joining a sisterhood that I just smiled along with, but never related to.
It wasn't until I saw the involvement of the organizations on campus. Every individual shared the same passion for spreading awareness about their cause. It was then I realized sororities are about more than mixers and parties.
I went into recruitment with my heart set on two organizations. Since I had to go to all six in the beginning I tried to keep and open mind, but the second I stepped into the Alpha Omicron Pi room, I knew it would be my home.
The entire weekend was high pressure. I knew who I wanted but it was all a game of getting everyone to like you. The whole concept was odd to me - be yourself but remember the entire organization is judging if they like it or not. Since I knew what organization I wanted and the constant wonder of if they liked me or not made everything all the more stressful.
What stood out to me about Alpha O was that although I was stressed, exhausted, and all around nervous, I never felt pressured or judged by any of the girls I talked to.
When I got my bid I had no idea what was in store...
I didn't just join a sorority, I joined a group of girls that without even knowing me well yet, include me in everything. I never eat alone or walk alone, whether I like it or not. I've never felt such inclusion from people I'm still fuzzy on the names of.
I also admire the dedication from every member. They take their philanthropy seriously and show care and compassion not just for those in need, but each other.
I know that even on my worst days, I have my sisters to count on. I never have to struggle alone. I'm so grateful I decided to go Greek because in a short week my life has already changed for the better.
I've never been so excited to see where my next four years will take me in this sisterhood.
I'm proud to say I'm a new member of AOII and I sincerely hope everyone can find the bonds I have in these short days!