Ever since the times of Karl Benz and Henry Ford, men ran the car game. And still to this day, they think they still do. Well, it's time for a wake up call boys. We no longer belong in a kitchen, we belong in the garage and here's what it is like to be a airlie gear head.
First thing is first, it's hard.
Unbearably hard. Being a female car enthusiast you learn to get a thick skin faster than you would prefer. Just like everything else women are not supposed to do or love, we get shunned, barked at and mocked. But here is where I have a problem. I have my windows tinted, rather dark (maybe even past legal limits but that is not the point), so until you see me pop out of my little red box, your opinion should be the same right? Well, it isn't. At car meets you usually walk around, you will see people checking out your car, mainly positive and then once you walk back to your car and they realize you're female, they pull out the insults.
"Why would you waste money on a car like that?"
"Why are you here? For attention?"
"Aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen? Or modeling?"
Sorry boys, no. (Notice I say boys).
Boys, real men appreciate other's passions regardless of gender. Yes I do have a girly car, but if I put my hard work, time and (a lot) of money into my girl, I will want to show her off and I will be proud of her.
Not only is it hard to be mocked, it's hard to be treated like you are incompetent about the automotive world. Unless you find a fellow gearhead as a significant other, it is hard to be taken seriously as a female.
Secondly, your passion is everywhere.
When you become more and more passionate about automotive, you pick things out everywhere. When you can tell the difference between the sound of a stock Mustang, a GT and any Shelby Edition, you've got it made.
With that being said, ideas keep flowing for your car. For me, my halo fog idea came from a Mini Cooper and my friend's JK. (If you do not know what a JK is, It's a Jeep Wrangler, not "just kidding"). As soon as I saw them more and more, ideas kept coming and frankly, they never stopped, so you're in for the long haul.
Next, you will never be satisfied.
Just like every other person with a passion and perfectionist mentality, I am never satisfied. The car could be brand spankin' new, off the show floor and will find a flaw. Not because I look for a flaw, but because I am intricate with what I like and what I want. There will always be something new to do, something to alter, something to swap out. The issue is there are so many options and they will never end.
Finally, you will make the best friends ever.
From being a Girly Gear Head, you die to search and find other girls with the same passion. And thanks to groups like Import Dolls and Pretty Little Drivers|Riders, that has been made possible. I have met two of my closest friends in the past six months from these groups, and I will forever be appreciative of the founders and the girls involved.
After being in the car scene, you learn a lot. But this is only the beginning of my journey and will be sharing my experiences in the car world. I am proud to be a car chick and I will never stop doing what I love, and neither will any of the girls like me.
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time...and for those 10 seconds or less, I'm free" -Dominic Toretto ("Fast & Furious" Series)