We all have a semester that we didn't do our best. Our goals, grades or responsibilities weren't the top priority and it reflected in our GPA or resume. If you're like me, you may have had more than one.
I work and go to school, which is enough to spread you thin in the first place. I got involved. I joined several organizations and put my heart and soul into making sure I was the best and most active member I could be.
My world revolved around the weekend, my phone or time with my friends. I wasn't putting my responsibilities and most importantly my grades where they should be. It was a rude awakening when I lost my good student discount on car insurance, almost lost a scholarship and realized I wasn't myself anymore. I wasn't putting my best self forward.
Sometimes it takes taking a back seat to realize you’re your first priority. Then you can put what’s left into your organizations and other responsibilities. It’s not selfish it’s strategic. It takes a lot to recognize that you aren’t doing your best and that you need to do better.
This semester is different. I decided to prioritize a few things above the rest. My grades, my major and me. I realized how important it is to succeed academically, because without that what can I be in my career? The time I'm not dedicating to jersey Thursdays or hair and makeup for my fraternity's party is time I'm using on making up for lost time I wasn't dedicating to school. The only thing I am trying to lose is some weight from such a fun semester.
Of course, I am beyond jealous of those who get to take full advantage of the weekends. I can promise the FOMO is crazy Thursday through Saturday because I'd rather be doing anything but studying. Playing catch up takes more than one weekend, but the weekends I do have time to be around friends are ones I cherish greatly.
If you feel you are falling behind, or even need to catch up I have a few simple suggestions. Work out. It helps you relax and feel like your life and body are going in the right direction. Get a planner. Nothing is better than knowing when and where you need to be every day of the week. If you have multiple responsibilities outside of school, color code it. Be that person with the color coded planner, at least you have it all together! Prioritize yourself first. Nothing is better than sinking into a bath bomb bathtub that makes you smell like lavender for the rest of your evening.
Getting it together makes the margaritas you do have time for that much sweeter.