DIY 'Game Of Thrones' Party For The Finale | The Odyssey Online
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DIY 'Game Of Thrones' Party For The Finale

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DIY 'Game Of Thrones' Party For The Finale

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The season 8 finale is coming and you definitely need to throw a party. It has been a long 8 years of this show and it deserves to go out in style! Use these ideas to make your own viewing party worthy of Kings Landing. Also peep this article from Buzzfeed that includes more food and drink recipes to wow your guests. Just make sure they all leave in one piece at the end of the party (we don't need another Red Wedding).

DIY GoT Invitations

Use this as a template to make your own invitations.

GoT Banners

Game of Thrones House Banners

Start off by decking out your place with the banners of the houses. This tutorial uses a dicut machine but you can even print the sigils off or trace them!

DIY Dragon Eggs

How to Make Game of Thrones Easter Eggs

The first tutorial in this link shows you how to make the eggs above, but the other tutorials show how to make edible eggs and are worth checking them out. All you need is some paint/nail polish to paint the thumb tacks, thumb tacks, and a Styrofoam egg (or three).

GoT Wine Labels

Every GoT party needs some wine, make it more festive with a label that makes it look straight from Casterly Rock.

Wildfire Cocktail

Throw it back to seasons 2 & 6 with everyone's favorite weapon.

Ned Head Cake Pops

Make these amazing cake pops with this recipe.

Sansa's Lemon Cakes

Be sure to make plenty, if they are as good as Sansa thinks they are, you will need a BUNCH.

Dragon Eggs

This recipe is great but if you want an easier idea, try making cake balls and coating them in the right color candy melt!

The Theon Greyjoy Special

Despite the blurry picture, this is still a great idea and bound to get a laugh.

Iron Throne Cupcakes

Use this recipe, or just wing this idea on your own, either way they will look amazing.

Game of Thrones Boozy Red Wedding Cake

Game of Thrones Boozy Red Wedding Cake

Cake is good. Boozy cake is great. Boozy GoT themed cake is best.

House Sigil Cookies

These cookies are a must.

Pigeon (chicken) Pies

Inspire your inner Arya with these pies!

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