Freshman Year Expectations Vs. Realities
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Freshman Year Expectations Vs. Realities

It's not all the hazing and all-nighters you thought it would be!

Freshman Year Expectations Vs. Realities

The media and horror stories we might have heard give incoming college freshmen a lot of strange or scary presumptions about freshman year and college in general. We might be nervous to pursue certain paths or try new things because these false expectations have scared us away from them. However, as a recent college graduate, I have debunked some popular myths that I heard before going to college. Just because some people experience something doesn't mean that everyone will experience the same thing, so it's best to go into college without any assumptions and instead to go into college your way.

Myth #1. Upperclassmen pick on the freshmen.

Every high school and college movie I have ever seen sets the expectation that the juniors and seniors bully the freshmen, at least during their first few weeks of school. In reality, nobody I know thinks twice about age or class standing. A lot of upperclassmen actually take freshmen under their wing, showing them a more experienced perspective and letting them in on some tips. (Example: "This building is spelled like it's pronounced [this way] but it's actually pronounced like [that way].")

Myth #2. Everyone drinks in college.

Yes, it's college and people will want to let loose on the weekends, but if you're not into that scene, there are plenty of other people who feel the same way. A lot of colleges offer weekend events run by the RAs to provide "dry" activities (many of which involve free food, score!). Watching a movie with friends or just hanging out is a good way to unwind if you're not into partying.

Myth #3. Parties give out free booze.

At schools where Greek life doesn't dominate nightlife or doesn't exist at all, I can guarantee that most of the parties you'll go to are BYOB. Some parties charge for each cup of jungle juice or beer (usually a ridiculous amount) but most party hosts don't give away anything at all. When in doubt, come prepared (but be careful!).

Myth #4. All-nighters are completely normal, often occurrences.

I can't be more clear about this: DO NOT make a habit of all-nighters. I can honestly say I've never pulled a complete all-nighter, but every night I've stayed up until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. doing work, I've gotten sick. Instead, work your absolute hardest at keeping your workload under control by using efficient time management. From time to time, you'll be up super late doing work, but try not to let this happen more than once or twice a semester.

Myth #5. The freshman 15 is unavoidable.

It totally is, but it takes work. The last thing you're going to want to do after a busy day of class, work study, and homework is work out. In addition, it's so easy to order takeout with your friends after a late night. But, if you want to maintain your weight, you're going to need to be disciplined.

Myth #6. Sitting alone in the cafeteria is weird.

I love sitting alone in the cafeteria, but I didn't discover this until sophomore year, when 5:00 play rehearsals meant I had to eat dinner every day at 4:30, an hour before my friends liked to go. It's a great environment for people who like background noise when they do homework (like me!). A lot of people assume that people eating alone are lonely, but in reality, sitting alone in the cafeteria is great!

Myth #7. Class attendance isn't mandatory like it was in high school.

Yes, it is. Every class I've been in involves daily attendance and a lowered grade if you miss more than two or three classes. While there's no greater feeling than sleeping in, making up the class notes and homework isn't always worth it. Also, try to save your absences for when you actually need them, like if you're sick or having an emergency.

Myth #8. High school will prepare you academically for college.

For anyone who did not feel an academic shift between high school and college, I am insanely jealous (and skeptical) of you. Even though I went to a high school that is considered to be academically rigorous, I noticed a significant difference during my first week or two of college classes. You should be able to adjust to these changes if you put the effort in and see your professor for extra help (if needed), but this transition will most likely not be seamless.

Myth #9. Cafeteria food is horrible.

I'm not going to lie, dining hall food can get a little repetitive. The way I've combatted this is by making creative alternatives, like taking chicken nuggets and putting them on top of a salad or putting the hard chocolate chip cookies into the toaster to warm and soften them. It might take you a little while to become used to the dining hall enough to think of these choices, but it definitely adds some variety.

Myth #10. Freshman year is when you "find yourself."

There might be some people who experience this during their freshman year, but I promise you, many freshman have no idea what they're doing with the rest of their lives. In fact, many seniors have no idea what they're doing with the rest of their lives. College is a time to help you figure that out, but if freshman year doesn't give you a huge epiphany, there's nothing wrong with that. If you aren't sure of your major, vocation, or social situation, that is totally fine. Don't be afraid of feeling lost; most of your classmates are with you.

So have fun during your freshman year! You have a few great years ahead of you, so look forward to them and don't rush it!

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