Four Things Humans Can Learn From Dogs
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Four Things Humans Can Learn From Dogs

“A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.” -John Grogan

Four Things Humans Can Learn From Dogs

It's not that I don't love cats, but I have just always been, and will forever be, a dog person. I grew up with a dog in the house, so maybe that has colored my opinion, but there is just something about a dog's soul that is so pure, genuine, and loving that makes it one of my favorite animals. Being around them day after day, I see their exuberance for life and the unwavering devotion to their humans and can't help but admire their joyful spirit. Here are some attributes that I've noticed in my dogs that I truly try to incorporate more into my own life.

1. Sincerity

There is no dog that tries to hide its personality; dogs are completely themselves 24/7. We can often see every emotion played out on their faces, from their insatiable hunger as they watch us fill their food bowl, to their adorable confusion when we sing a high-pitched note. This utter sincerity also sometimes gives us the privilege of seeing their odd quirks including the more traditional - running in tight circles urgently trying to catch their tails - as well as the not-so-normal - barking at the sound of leaves blowing across the lawn, plowing snow with their noses, or sleeping in the shower stall (my dog does do this and I have never been able to figure out why.) These are the real proof that dogs are content to own their feelings and show them outwardly without shame.

2. Appreciation

I am always amused when my family and I open presents on Christmas Day and as we admire our new electronics or clothing, my dog consumes himself with playing with the wrapping paper. One year my dad wrapped up a twig from the backyard and put it under the tree for my dog, and it couldn't have been a bigger hit. These instances often remind me of the importance of being appreciative of the little things in life. Sleeping in a sunny spot on the carpet or getting a good scratch behind the ears are things that would make my dog's day. Maybe if we were more grateful of these small moments of happiness, we would happier in general.

3. Selflessness

A dog is a true companion, which is apparent both when you are at your best and your worst. When you're upset, angry, or scared, your dog knows something's not right and will go on the defense; it's there in the way they bark incessantly at strangers or noises they hear in the middle of the night. Though these are the more annoying of dog traits, they are just coming from a protective instinct; your dog doesn't want anything to happen to you and is willing to do anything to make sure you are safe. Even my 5-pound Yorkie does this when I fight with my brother and she thinks one of us is threatened. The fierce love they feel for their humans over themselves is revealed at times like these.

4. Loyalty

To witness a display of a dog's loyalty to the humans it loves, all you need to see is that dog's reaction to their humans coming home. In the case of my dogs, they will dash to the door, often bringing me a toy or old shoe as an offering, or else spinning in passionate circles until I acknowledge their presence. The way they lie at your side or in your lap, depending on their size (or in the case of my golden retriever, lying in my lap anyway), walk faithfully by your side (unless distracted by a squirrel or other small animal), or rest their heads on your lap when you've had a hard day, dogs are there for you when you need them, no matter what. They are an illustration of true friendship.

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