I have been recently obsessed with the food side of youtube. I wanted to share these Youtubers with you guys because some of them, you may have not heard of. I'm not really ranking them when I list them because I like them all equally.
1. Brothers Green Eats
The Brothers Green Eats have two brothers that are ready to help you create your favorite foods, even our favorite fast food or restaurant menus. Their recipes seem very simple to follow. They are very creative. They have all different types of food . Their range of food goes from Korean to classic American.They even got food for vegans! If you go to a restaurant and love their sauces these guys have some videos to help you make the sauces. That is so helpful because I love restaurant sauces and the one in a jar never taste like them. They are also very entertaining in themselves. They seem to love food and when someone loves something I am here for that. My favorite video is Creative Cup of Noodle.
2. David Seymour
David Seymour seems to be a young college dude that has the same love for food as I do. I absolutely love David Seymour Videos. This kids is so real. He isn't getting paid to make these videos. He makes mistakes in his videos. He just isn't fake. I'm glad I found his channel because a lot of his videos are him testing Buzzfeed recipes. He tells us if the ideas can actually work out. He is also pretty funny. He listens to his fans and wants to know what you guys want him to test out. You guys should subscribe to him. My favorite video from him are his attempts at the chocolate ball. He makes 2 videos and both aren't the greatest but it shows that the recipes are sometimes flawed and you cant create everything.
3. Ericsurf6
Eric is such a sweet little man. I adore this little man. He is this man that lives in Japan and he reviews local food places with his sons. I love the family dynamic that he has in his videos because it is so genuine. He is very entertaining. He is very personable which is good in a youtube presenter. His videos are very interesting because they are over all these things in Japan. He reviews street food, restaurants and even prepared foods in grocery stores. This makes it an easy way to explore Japan's cuisine without having to go. He is definitely a dad. He makes all those dad types of jokes so if you love that like I do you have to check it out.
4. Miniature Space
THIS CHANNEL MAKES ME FEEL SO HAPPY. The food is so tiny. Some people may not like their videos because they are very silent videos. I like the concept of it. They use everything small to make all these miniature dishes; like a tiny bread knife to cut the tiny loaf of bread. They use small plates and small knives . Everything tiny but when it's complete you are fooled because of the display. I like these because they are making actually food. Its food that you can actually eat. A lot of the mini food videos are these product from Japan that nobody seems to eat when they make them. My favorite video is Mini Food Cheeseburger. I like the idea of making small food for my imaginary hamster. It reminds me of dollhouse food; back in my younger days.
5. SORTEDfood
In SortedFood Videos, four friends get together and just have a great time making food with each other. Ben is the chef and Barry, Mike and Jamie make up SortedFood Videos. These british boys are so awesome but I can't help think they know a little too much about food and cooking; just listen to their dialogue. I love their friendship, they are laid back and fun. They all have been friends for ever and you can just feel the chemistry between them. I have only watched their food battle but I love them. So 3 of the friends cook food for their chef friend,Ben and Ben gives his honest opinion. The choice in the end who wins is up to the audience. My favorite video is the pizza challenge. The food they make look so good and all of their food are creative. They show different ways to work with certain ingredients.
Check these out! Tell me about your favorite. Tell me if you try making any of the recipes.