It's no secret that NikkieTutorials is Queen of the Beauty Gurus on YouTube. Her videos are full of different products and makeup looks and she has a funny way of laughing about herself. Her love of highlight ('cause, let's be honest, we all have that one makeup item we're obsessed with) and fun eye looks always make a good video to watch. Nikkie tackles the tough subjects, too. In her famous-- or, infamous depending on who you talk to-- Power of Makeup video she discusses why she wears makeup and the power it has in her life.
Spoiler alert: she wears makeup for herself because it's empowering.
One of the things that I really like about NikkieTutorials is that she does all sorts of fun YouTube challenges that really test her skills at applying makeup and her product knowledge. Here's a collection of four of my favorite NikkieTutorials challenge videos.
1. Full Face Using Only Glitter
This challenge almost proved too much for the Queen of Glow but she persevered. Watch as she uses glitter to transform her face into something out of every craft-lovers dream (or nightmare, depending on who you are)!
2. Full Face Using Only the Opposite Hand
You may think you're good with both hands but are you beating-your-face-with-you-opposite-hand good? Nikkie is.
3. Full Face Using Only Highlighters
Who knew there were so many colors of highlighters on the market? I use one color-- shiny beige. Nikkie uses ten and the outcome is incredible (in case you couldn't tell by the thumbnail)
4. How I Did My Makeup In High School
High school was a dark, dark time for some of us. I don't even know if I wore makeup in high school and if I did, it wasn't much. It's always fun to watch your favorite YouTubers show you their past selves and Nikkie is no exception. After watching the above videos, it's amazing what Nikkie turned into from where she started.