5 Must-Have Fitness Apps
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5 Must-Have Fitness Apps

5 Must-Have Fitness Apps

Your iPhone maybe the portal to that fitness goal you have always dreamed about! Here are the top five best apps to help you on your way. 

1. MyFitnessPal. Most of us don't like calorie counting, because it can be obsessive and just a little too intense, but MyFitnessPal can help you become more aware of what you are eating. It provides nutritional information, including  protein, fiber, sugar, etc., on different types of foods --from produce to foods found in specific stores. I even spotted the nutritional information for food from Grins. It also gives you an estimate of what you burn off during different exercises, after you input your weight, gender, and height. It lets you set a daily nutritional goal, and you can keep track of your balance as you eat and workout throughout the day!

2. NTC. Also known as Nike Training Club, this app is amazing! It is an on-the-go personal trainer, providing tons of different workouts! There are cardio workouts, toning workouts, weights workouts, you name it! Don't have time to do a long workout? They even have short-but-sweet 15-minute circuits that are condensed and leave you sweating like you have been at the gym for an hour! This app even provides videos on how to do all the exercises, rewards for reaching goals (including cool smoothie recipes), and celebrity workouts! Give it a try -- it is intense, but you won't regret it!

3. Nike+Running. This is another great Nike app! If you like to run, or want to start, this is a great way to track your progress! It tracks the distance, pace, and times of your runs. It even provides training programs if you are looking to run in a certain upcoming race, and daily reminders to make sure you stay on track with the schedule!

3. HealthyOut. Got special dietary needs, but tired of cooking for yourself and want to hit up a restaurant with friends? This app is the one for you! You can put in your dietary restrictions, pick the restaurant you want to go to, and it will help you find options that you can healthily enjoy! Even if you do not have dietary restrictions, but are just looking for the healthiest options at restaurants, this app can and will provide.

4. Daily Yoga. Want to give yoga a try, but too afraid to step into a class of supposed yoga experts? Though you shouldn't be afraid, this app can help you out. It provides yoga sequences, voiced-over explanations of the moves, and videos so you can quickly get on your way to your inner zen. With midterms coming up, the stress is going to get amped up, so Daily Yoga can provide relaxing yoga sessions whenever, and wherever, you need them.

5. Sleep Cycle. While sleeping is not exactly fitness, it is vital for your health! Sleep Cycle analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you up when you are in your lightest sleep, making it easier for you to wake up refreshed! Also, it can help you track factors that may be interrupting your sleep, so you can be on your way to a longer, more restful sleep in no time! Or, better yet, try a yoga session from Daily Yoga to wind down before bed, and then be gently woken by Sleep Cycle the next morning. Voila! A perfect night's sleep.

With the help of these amazing apps, you will be on your way to a healthier, stronger you in no time. 

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