Why You NEED To BE Buying Non-Toxic, Organic Tampons and Condoms For Your Hoo-Hah
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You NEED To Be Buying Non-Toxic, Organic Tampons And Condoms For Your Hoo-Hah

Wait until you see an organic vs. conventional pad being burned.

You NEED To Be Buying Non-Toxic, Organic Tampons And Condoms For Your Hoo-Hah

"Everyone is thinking about the ingredients in their food and their makeup, but no one is thinking about the ingredients that go in the products they put in the most intimate parts of our body." - Meika Hollender

Just like regular hygiene of the body, your lady parts want to be cleaned, pampered, and taken care of. Your body is a temple, so why would you willingly put toxins inside of you?! Conventional tampons, pads, and condoms constitute of undisclosed, poisonous components and, although the product itself is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved, the regulations still include small amounts of dioxins, disinfection by-products (DBPs), and other harmful ingredients.

Dr. Joseph Mercola recommends: "Don't put anything on your body that you wouldn't eat if you had to," and, personally, I want to avoid as many toxins entering my body—we already have enough pollution and its negative consequences clouding up our air.

Do you even know what you're using because your poonani deserves the best?

You don't have to be the healthiest yogi to know that toxins, similar to those found in plastic, don't belong in your natural, organic body, especially internally and within such an intimate and the "most absorbent" part of your body—the vagina. Unfortunately, feminine products, specifically tampons, are classified as medical devices; hence, companies "aren't required to disclose a complete list of the ingredients or chemicals they contain." However, shockingly, it's said that "conventional sanitary pads can contain the equivalent of about four plastic bags!" This is concerning since it's proven that plastic toxins are linked to a variety of potential health risks: "cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments."

In New York, Representative Carolyn B. Maloney's Robin Danielson Feminine Hygiene Product Safety Act has attempted to legislate the study of the potential health risks and coax the FDA to divulge the constituents of the products; nonetheless, the bill was negated.

"American women deserve the ability to make informed decisions when buying feminine hygiene products" (Maloney).

Author and founder of NaturallySavvy, Andrea Donsky reveals the product of burning an organic vs. conventional pad in this video, which observes the stark comparisons of ingredients between the two commodities by contrasting how they burn. While the organic pad's fire was small and almost died out, the conventional pad burnt much quicker with a terrifying amount of black smoke, a much larger fire, and thick residue. Thus, possibly indicating the "formaldehyde releasers, dioxin, pesticides and other harmful chemicals" that need to be researched more closely to understand the effects. A few other toxins found in hygiene products are chlorine (which turns into dioxins), a known herbicide, glyphosate, polyethylene (PET), and other damaging genetically-modified organisms (GMOs).

Virtually every month (or more often), women utilize tampons, pads, and condoms in their highly permeable vaginal walls; hence, "toxins like pesticide residue and GMO proteins [have] direct access into the bloodstream." No matter what the ingredients are—safe or hazadorous—it's our right to know what we are putting into our body.

We must all stop and think about the dangers before we continue stepping into a company's trap.

There are a plethora of all-natural, booming companies who sell female hygiene and sexual products with the aim of providing the very best for our bodies. These are the companies that deserve our trust—Cora, Sustain Natural, Natracare, Seventh Generation, NaturallySavvy, etc.—not the ones using synthetic products.

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