Before you assume the message of this, just keep reading.
We all have dreams and aspirations of falling in love with our soul mate – whoever that may be. We want that mushy-gushy puppy love and butterflies, security, and adventure; the things that make us fall in love. But, before you find your Prince/Princess Charming, you need to date the wrong person.
Dating the wrong person prepares you and shows you what you really should be looking for in a partner. If you don’t date the wrong person, you won’t know what really makes you tick. What you dislike and like, what you enjoy and what bores you. Without dating the wrong person, how are you supposed to know what you truly want to spend the rest of your life surrounding yourself with.
I’ve had my fair share of “wrong people.” Some days, I wish I could go back in time and change everything about those times in my life. I wish I never met certain people and experienced what I did with them by my side. But, I realize that if it had not been for those people, I wouldn’t know myself as well, and certainly not what I wanted from other people.
I’m not saying to go out and find a random person to date and hate. I am saying that if you happen to date the “wrong person,” it can be an amazing learning experience. Not only do you know what you want to look for, but you learn so much about yourself as well.
Your dating life is your own, and no one can tell you who to date and who to stay away from – and, if they do, you don’t have to listen to them. It is an amazing experience finding your soulmate but sometimes, it’s good to kiss some frogs before you kiss your knight in shining armor.