I will officially be entering my senior year in August. I recently have been thinking a lot about what my senior year will look like and what it will bring. I recall my first day as a freshman so well. It feels as though time speeds up once you enter college, and everything moves in a pace you are continuously struggling to keep up with. I realized that, when thinking about my last year in college, I seem to go through a variety of emotions.
Emotion 1: Fear
Thinking about how the structure and schedule I have become so accustomed to will change scares me. A lot. I am person who does not mind a routine, because it gives me room to be prepared and organized. Leaving college means the place and people I see on a daily basis will not be part of the routine I knew for four years. Leaving college means I will be forced out the comfort zone I have built. I will no longer have the comforts and securities college gave me.
Emotion 2: Excitement
So much excitement. The excitement comes when I think about the new experiences I will have outside of college, or the opportunities that wait for me. I think of being able to live out my career as a social worker and that does not bring fear, but enthusiasm. Stepping out of my comfort zone does not always terrify me, but also excites me. I realize that change is a part of life, it is unavoidable, so I look forward to what life outside of college will bring me because I know it will help me grow as an individual.
Emotion 3: Eagerness
I am not only eager to see how my life will change once I leave, but I am eager to see what my last year will be like. I am going into my senior year with a different mentality than my previous years in college. I want to cherish every moment I have this upcoming year, because I know after this year, there will not be a next one. Eagerness is the emotion I feel the most. I do not want to take anything for granted, or leave feeling like I did not do enough.
Emotion 4: Peace
This is by far the most pleasing emotion. After I go through my roller coaster of emotions, I finally come to the stop of peace. I recognize that my future is in God’s hands, and I can trust Him completely to give me the best. I come to be at peace because, although I do not know what my future will bring, I know that God does. I hope to feel peace more often.
To everyone entering their senior year of college, or even high school: Enter with peace.