I am totally at a loss for words as I start to think about the fact that this year is my last year of college. Thinking back on these past three years, I think of such bittersweet memories. I joined a sorority, made Dean's list and President's list, met my best friends, lived with strangers and those strangers turned into my best friends…and now I can't live without those friends.
For the past three summers, I always looked forward to the end of the summer so I could get back to school. It is weird to think that this time next year, I won’t be able to have that same feeling. I will be looking back on this Summer and thinking "Damn, I would do anything to do it all over."
I know this year is going to fly by. Before we know it we will be decorating our caps and looking dreadful in those gowns. All of us have had our ups and downs, but let's reflect on how amazing this year will be.
It is time to have “Senioritis”-- to go out and have fun. While some nights we preferred to stay in and watch Netflix alone, that will not happen. This year we will be the bar groupies. The bartender will know us by our names and know what we want to drink before we even ask. Even if I am not in the mood to go out, I will force myself, because how many more chances at nights like this will we really get after college? Be crazy.
Be smart in your classes and succeed in your work, but the No. 1 thing you have to succeed at is making the best memories.
I remember entering college. I had a professor who told me that my grades were important, but it was also important to have a social life. Well guess what, Professor? I am totally taking that advice this year.
Senior year is supposed to be the best year of our life. After this year, all of your friends will be miles apart. Instead of reflecting back and thinking of the nights you spent drowning in work at the library, think about the nights you can't remember with the friends you will never forget. Remember to keep your eyes on your future, but always live in the present.
I don’t know how I am going to handle leaving this year behind, but what I do know is that I can't wait to take on this roller coaster with my best friends, my sisters -- the girls who literally have been there with me through some of the craziest times of my life.