18. OG Gummy Bear Italian Soda | The Odyssey Online
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30 Drinks At Dutch Bros To Fuel Your Addiction

These drinks will change your life.

30 Drinks At Dutch Bros To Fuel Your Addiction

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If you haven't heard of Dutch Bros or if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it. The people who work there are friendly, everyone smiles, there is music, it is like a coffee party. Plus, the coffee is pretty much always good. Sure, you can go to the local Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, but why do that when there are Dutch Bros?

Cheaper prices for bigger sizes. Plus, Dutch Bros sells more than coffee. This business also sells lemonades, teas, Italian sodas, Rebels (energy drinks), smoothies, and frosts (milkshakes)! Whether you consider yourself a "Dutchie" or if you have never been before, there are always new drinks to try!

SEE MORE: The Best Coffee In Your State

1. White Chocolate Annihilator

The flavors in this drink are white chocolate and chocolate macadamia nut. This drink comes with breve (half and half) as the milk and can be made completely sugar free if wanted!

This drink can also be made hot, iced, or blended!

2. Flap Jack Breve

The flavors in this drink are salted caramel, vanilla, and white chocolate. This drink comes with half and half as the milk when ordered but if you would like a different milk, let the barista know (mocha comes with chocolate milk, and latte is a choice of 2%, soy, coconut, or almond).

This drink can be made "as sugar-free as possible". The vanilla and white chocolate WILL be sugar-free but the salted caramel WILL NOT be.

This drink can also be made hot, iced, or blended!

3. Golden Eagle Breve

The flavors in this drink are caramel and vanilla and come with half and half as the milk when ordered as a breve.

This drink can be made sugar free and can be ordered hot, iced, or blended!

4. Vanilla Cold Brew

This drink is made with a can of nitro-infused cold brew and the flavor is vanilla! You can add cream/milk to it or drink it as is!

You can get sugar free vanilla instead of regular vanilla if wanted and this drink can be made hot or iced!

5. White Chocolate, Toasted Mellow Breve

The flavors in this drink are white chocolate, vanilla, and chocolate macadamia nut and comes with half and half when ordered as a breve.

You can order this drink sugar free and as a hot, iced, or blended coffee!

6. Dutch Crunch Breve With White Coffee

The flavors in this drink are strawberry and hazelnut! When ordered this way, the milk will be half and half, and it will come with white coffee*!

You can also order it with regular coffee, as a hot, iced, or blended coffee, and can be made sugar free if wanted!

*White coffee is made from a bean that is lightly roasted. It contains 70% more caffeine than regular coffee and does not have a coffee taste but rather a peanut taste.

7. White Zombie Mocha

The flavors in this drink are white chocolate and vanilla, and it will come with chocolate milk when ordered as a mocha!

You can order this drink sugar free and can be made hot, iced, or blended.

8. Snickers Mocha

The flavors in this drink are caramel, hazelnut, and dark chocolate. This drink will come with chocolate milk when ordered as a mocha and can be made hot, iced, or blended.

This drink can also be made sugar free!

9. Cherry Starburst Rebel

The flavors in the rebel are cherry, white chocolate, and almond! Don't knock it before you try it because it actually tastes like a starburst.

It can be made iced or blended and can be ordered: "as sugar-free as possible"! The rebel itself and the white chocolate WILL be sugar-free. The cherry and almond flavors WILL NOT be.

10. Aquaberry Rebel

The flavors in this rebel are watermelon, strawberry, kiwi, and blue raspberry.

It can be made iced or blended and can be ordered "as sugar-free as possible"! The rebel itself and the strawberry flavor WILL be sugar-free but the watermelon, kiwi, and blue raspberry WILL NOT be.

11. Blackberry, Orange Rebel

The flavors in this rebel are . . . You guessed it! Blackberry and orange. This rebel has a nice tang to it.

It can be made iced or blended and can be ordered: "as sugar-free as possible"! The rebel itself WILL be sugar-free but the blackberry and orange flavors WILL NOT be.

12. Gem Berry Rebel

The flavors in this rebel are red raspberry, Blackberry, and vanilla.

It can be made iced or blended and can be ordered "as sugar-free as possible"! The rebel itself and the red raspberry and vanilla flavors WILL be sugar-free but the blackberry flavor WILL NOT be.

13. Galaxy Fish Rebel

The flavors in this rebel are strawberry, lime, and passionfruit.

It can be made iced or blended and can be ordered: "as sugar-free as possible"! The rebel itself and the strawberry flavor WILL be sugar-free but the lime and passionfruit flavors WILL NOT be.

14. White Chocolate, Bugatti Berry Rebel

The flavors in this rebel are white chocolate, blackberry, and grapefruit.

It can be made iced or blended and can be ordered: "as sugar-free as possible"! The rebel itself and the white chocolate WILL be sugar-free but the blackberry and grapefruit flavors WILL NOT be.

15. Watermelon, Lime, Kiwi Rebel

The flavors in this rebel are watermelon, lime, and kiwi.

It can be made iced or blended and can be ordered: "as sugar-free as possible"! Only the rebel itself will be sugar-free.

16. Double Blended Electric Berry Rebel

The flavors in this rebel are blue raspberry and lime.

This rebel is "double blended", meaning that it is blended twice. This makes the texture sort of fluffy and creamy at the same time.

This drink can be made "as sugar-free as possible". Only the rebel itself will be sugar-free.

17. Strawberry, Kiwi, Coconut Italian Soda

The flavors in this soda are strawberry, coconut, and kiwi.

You can get the soda* iced or blended, and add cream and whip cream to it.

*Italian sodas are just sparkling water with flavor added to them.

18. OG Gummy Bear Italian Soda

The flavors in this soda are pomegranate, passionfruit, watermelon, and grapefruit.

You can order the soda iced or blended, and add cream and whip cream to it.

19. Mango, Strawberry Smoothie

The flavors are mango and strawberry. Make sure to add whip cream to this smoothie!

20. Pomegranate Lemonade

This pomegranate flavored lemonade is tangy yet satisfying!

21. Blue Raspberry, Kiwi, Passion Fruit Lemonade

The flavors blue raspberry, kiwi, and passionfruit make this lemonade more sweet than sour.

22. Stop Light Green Tea

The flavors in this green tea are pomegranate, passionfruit, and kiwi.

You can get this tea hot, iced, or blended (though I recommend getting it iced).

23. Galaxy Fish Black Tea With Two Added Scoops of Blackberry

This black tea will get 5 scoops of flavor total! 3 scoops of galaxy fish (strawberry, lime, and passionfruit), and 2 scoops of blackberry. This black tea is deliciously sweet!

You can get this tea hot, iced, or blended (though I recommend getting it iced).

24. Hawaiian Black Tea

The flavors in this black tea are banana, orange, peach, and strawberry! Don't let the banana flavor talk you out of trying it, this is a pretty good flavor.

You can get this tea hot, iced, or blended (though I recommend getting it iced).

25. Tropical Green Tea

The flavors in this green tea are passionfruit, coconut, and blue raspberry.

You can get this tea hot, iced, or blended (though I recommend getting it iced).

26. Christmas Morning Chai

The flavor in this chai is white chocolate, and this chai will come with half and half as the milk.

You can order this chai hot, iced, or blended, and make sure to top it off with whip cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg!

27. Horchata Chai

The flavors in this chai are caramel, white chocolate, and cinnamon. This chai will come with 2% milk unless otherwise requested.

You can order this chai hot, iced, or blended, and make sure to top it off with whip cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg!

28. Strawberry, White Chocolate Frost

A strawberry and white chocolate frost tastes like strawberry Nesquik milk! So good.

29. Lemon, Hazelnut, White Chocolate Frost

A lemon, hazelnut, and white chocolate frost tastes like a lemon meringue pie!

30. French Toast Frost

The flavors in this frost are white chocolate and brown sugar cinnamon. It is a must try!

Note: For any sugar-free coffee option, the default milk that is used is breve (half and half) so if you would like a different milk - 2%, whole, almond, soy, coconut, or nonfat - then make sure to let the barista taking your order know!

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