Election Day is just days away and many people, like myself have already voted via absentee ballots or early election ballots. Some are ready to make their voices heard and will be at the polls on November 8th, but some have decided that this election is just too much for them. They are torn and I get it. This election has been ridiculous and you might not like any of the candidates. One candidate sounds like an angry recording of Kindergarten vocabulary words and has the manners of an angry monkey and the other is not really trustworthy, an apparent criminal, and quite honestly pretty fake. It’s completely understandable that you feel frustrated. However, allow me to point out a very important reality if you don’t vote for anyone at all.
Whether you like it or not, someone will be elected. It is the beauty of our democracy. If you give up your right to vote on November 8th, you give up your right to complain about the results and anything regarding the elected person’s Presidency. Yes, you’re allowed to say whatever you want under the good ‘ol First Amendment, but allow me to explain.
I received my absentee ballot weeks ago at school and one of my best friends and I made an event out of it. We put the entire process up on Snapchat because we were so excited to participate in our government for the first time. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get emotional because I definitely did. I texted my cousin and my sister immediately after because I was so excited and sent it out the next day as soon as I could. I had been following elections and making my own opinions on candidates since High School, but to FINALLY have my opinion matter in my government was overwhelming to me.
Which leads me to this question: Why is that an experience you want to pass up? It only comes every 4 years. Why out of frustration, spite, anger, or whatever your feeling has caused you to come to the conclusion NOT to vote? Like I said before, I get the candidates in the Republican and Democratic parties are tough choices to deal with. Which is why there is also the option to vote for the Green and Libertarian candidates, in addition to writing in your own candidate. Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, Harambe, whom ever you want can be written down. Regardless of whether or not you think they will win, your opinion is still considered and that’s what matters.
People will tell you you're throwing away your vote and you may believe that too, but at least you can say you voted. Voting is one of the beauties of this country. It's one of our nations core values. It is a right and it is certainly not a right that was given freely. If you are not a white man, your vote was fought for. With the ending of slavery came citizenship and the right to vote for African-American men. Voters used be threatened or scared in to not voting because of their race even after being given the right to vote, but some still voted because it was their right and one which they earned.
And ladies, suffragists are rolling in their graves at the very idea of you considering not to vote. Many of which are there because they went through beatings, prison sentences, force feedings and so many other atrocities that cost them their lives, but gave YOU the right to vote today. That was barely 100 years ago.
I am not telling you who to vote for, but I am telling you to vote. Like I said, I know you're frustrated. Most of the country is. But voting for a Third Party candidate is not throwing away your vote. Not voting is throwing away your vote. So in the wise words of Lin-Manuel Miranda, "Do not throw away your shot" and vote on November 8, 2016.