To my weakness,
How often I find myself in conflicts and with low self esteem as a result of your impact on me. I wish people could see me without your influences and limitations which you've placed on me. I know I'm not the most atypical individual as a result of a plethora of reasons but it's mainly because of you. I like being social but with an selective group of individuals, I'm not good with first impressions 99 percent of the time, I would rather build a friendship over time than overnight because in my opinion they are typically much stronger, I like to talk (about anything to be honest) and sometimes that results in people getting the wrong impressions of me. You hinder my ability to keep to myself when I'm overwhelmed and stressed out. Also, you tend to affect many of my relationships because if your not one of my closer friends or family who know me well you don't understand when my weakness are present or not and their affect on me.
Sometimes, your controlling powers hold so much affect or control over me it's like I can't even complete simple daily tasks. Although I'm fully capable of completing such task your controlling features weigh so heavely on me they seem impossible to bare. But, I've realized these observers have made me as an individual more observant and companionate towards others.
Defiantly as an individual that tends to struggle with different things I've learnt though my own struggles others also have their own battles which they're facing. Even if we as individuals don't see or care about the particular thing all of us as whole should be more open and accepting towards individuals and their weaknesses. It shouldn't be a bad thing to have a weakness it should only be a bad thing if you don't embrace it and allow it to make you become a better, brighter, and stronger individual.
Even though so many of us are so caught up with our own weakness, responsibilities, or busy schedules we shouldn't turn our shoulders to those struggling. As a result, that could mean our own weakness are being too self indulged or not helpful enough. It's simple things and adjustments we can do or make as individuals that allow us let our weaker skill set improve only for the better good of ourselves.
Don't let something that seems "horrific" or "unappealing" define you only let it help you shape yourself into the person you wish to be