I know what you're thinking: "What does he mean, the power ranking of doors?"
I can offer no better introduction than just simply getting right into the thick of it.
10. Trap Doors 
If you are a fan of trap doors, you're an insane person. There is nothing good that can come from a trap door. You never know when they're going to open or where they're going to lead you. Trust me I've seen plenty of trap doors in Scooby Doo and none of them lead to anything good.
9. Screen Doors 
These barely beat out trap doors for the worst type of door. You think you're through the first door, and then theres another door immediately afterward. Just the worst.
8. Saloon Doors 
Are these even a type of door? They're like half a door, and you always need to worry about it swinging back and hitting you in the face.
7. Sliding Doors 
SUCH A HASSLE! Honestly, doors suck enough already, but having to pull these sideways just piss me off even more.
6. Folding Doors 
They're basically the same type of door as sliding doors, but they stick out into the room, get in the way, and I ALWAYS stub my toe on it.
5. Automatic Doors 
These doors never open fast enough. You'll be leaving the grocery store with a cart full of groceries, and you'll have to wait for the dumb door to open. Its such an annoyance.
4. Car Doors 
Quick, simple, and effective. These doors are still doors, but they could be much worse.
3. Automatic Sliding Doors 
These doors are still slow, but they move somewhat faster and they don't get in anyones way.
2. Doggy Doors 
These are such a convenience. You don't need to do anything, but your dog can come and go whenever it pleases. This is a major key, in the words of DJ Khaled. You no longer have to worry about taking your dog out to go to the bathroom. Like I said, major key.
1. Revolving Doors 
Revolving doors have been a thing of wonder ever since I've seen my first one. They're literally a circus ride in your every day life. You spin around, get dizzy, almost throw up, and you always leave with a smile on your face. I love revolving doors.