Dear Cleveland Browns,
Our relationship is getting pretty strained, though I'm sure you've realized that. We've been trying to hang in there and be supportive, but it doesn't seem like you even notice that. Week after week we get our hopes up. We foolishly believe that things will change and that you will change. But, Ray Farmer finally cleared it up, "How do we fix it? We continue to do exactly what we have done."
No more excuses for our foolish hopes that you will change.
And yet we're still here waiting for you. No matter how many Sundays are spent near tears with broken hearts, we keep coming back. No matter how badly you lose, you can't kill our hope. We might yell and scream and curse your name, but we still grab a beer and put on our jerseys and watch every game. We don't abandon ship no matter how much you try to push us overboard.
We just hope that next year will be better. Next year, we believe that we will see fewer injured players, better coaches, caught balls, first downs, maybe even a touchdown. (We can help you figure out what that is if you want.) As my dad always says, "'Cuyahoga' means 'There's always next year.'" And, for better or worse, that seems to be true. Week after week, year after year, you are still there...still losing more games than you can win.
The fact is that there are multiple videos of fans talking about just this feeling. Unfortunately, the loss this week was even worse than usual. We are used to watching you lose, since you do it so often. But what in the world was going on Sunday? Is there a clause in players' contracts that require them to allow other teams to win? I'm looking for answers here.
It's getting so hard to watch, but like a trainwreck, I can't seem to turn away.
My dearest Browns, you have my heart. I am angry; I am sad; I am confused. But I will still be one of your fans—I'm not sure what I would do if I was ever to turn my back on you. All that I ask is that you begin to think about our feelings and that you begin to put in a little effort in on your end too.
With many mixed feelings,
Your Fans